Red Fox

Fantasy 180K Active
Author: Karina Halle
Latest: Page 45
Time: 2023-08-31

Red Fox (Experiment in Terror 2) With Book Two of the Experiment in Terror Series, Perry Paloon coast for the unforgiving deserts of New Mexico In the for­got­ten town of Red Fox, New Mex­ico, a Navajo cou­ple is tor­tured by things unseen and by h their house in the dark, a bar­rage of stones pound their roof nightly, andup on their prop­erty Aro on, Perry and Dex travel to the des­o­late locale, hop­ing to film the super­nat­ural occur­rences and add cred­i­bil­ity to their flail­ing web­cast Only their show has a lotpains Tested by dubi­ous ranch hands, a ghost fro decep­tion, the ahost hunters ht the
