Touch of the Demon

Fantasy 310K Active
Author: Diana Rowland
Latest: Page 88
Time: 11 month ago

Touch of the Demon (Kara Gillian 5) Kara Gillian is in some seriously deep trouble She’s used to su supernatural creatures from the demon realm to our world, but now the tables have been turned and she’s the one who’s been summoned Kara is the prisoner of yet another demonic lord, but she quickly discovers that she’s farfor rescue has never been her style, and Kara has no intention of being a pawn in soue to spare as she digs into the origin of the demonic lords and discovers the machinations of humans and demons alike Kara is shocked to discover that she has her own history in the demon realm, and that the ties between her and the deo back farther than she could have ever i all the lords, and she’s going to have to stay sharp in order to keep froendas The lords have a secret that dates back to earth’s ancient history, and it could have devastating repercussions for both worlds Yetelse, Kara’s abilities as a homicide detective will be put to the test--because this time the murder she has to solve is her own
