The Understorey

Young Adult 240K Active
Author: Fisher Amelie
Latest: Page 61
Time: 2023-08-31

The Understorey (The Leaving 1) "Let’s start this place on nonexistent fire" "Promise" She sucked in an excited breath We closed our eyes and I placed my feverish mouth to hers I flames climbed to the furthest point, trailed like rain down the pitched ceiling and spilled down the walls, gathering at their feet, pools of fervent, bubbling, silvery liquid electricity, before evaporating into nothing Elliott Gray is incoh the dark on his hands and knees, blindly feeling for the switch it would take to bring the peace he&39;s forever been searching for Julia Jacobs is unhappy,a noticeable piece of her soul, a naked canvas with vivid paints at her disposal but no brush to assee, courtesy of an unknowing Elliott Gray, Julia tastes the burn of heartache and since then, has silently vowed to her heart that it would never be susceptible to such pain again but when Julia and Elliott discover they share a supernatural connection that&39;s never been revealed before, Elliott oal to convince her they are fated He knows, if she only gave him but one chance to prove himself, she would not be afraid but when Elliott&39;s best friend Jesse Thomas turns out to be much more than meets the eye, it&39;s all Elliott can do to hold on to his new love, while atte to survive an enormous threat on their future
