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Romance 140K Active
Author: Kristen Proby
Latest: Page 77
Time: 2023-08-31

In New York Ti author Kristen Proby’s brand new series, five best friends open a hot new restaurant, but one of theained for when a sexy forh the doors--and into her heart Seduction is quickly beco the hottest new restaurant in Portland, and Addison Wade is proud to claim 1/5 of the credit She’s determined toin new customers than live h the doors to apply for the weekend gig, she knows she’s in trouble Addie instantly recognizes him--his posters were plastered all over her bedrooh school--he’s all bad boyexactly her type and exactly what she doesn’t need Jake Keller walked away froo and yearns to return to what’s always driven hiets to work for a smart- Addie into giving hi her that he wants ins to drop her walls, Jake’s past finally catches up with hiain or will Jake be able to convince her to drown out her doubts and listen to her heart?
