
Romance 60K Active
Author: RK Lilley
Latest: Page 33
Time: 2023-09-01

DAIR (THE WILD SIDE 3) ARE YOU READY FOR THE TRUTH? I’d started writing everything about her down I didn’t want to forget The color of her hair The depth of her eyes The stubborn shape of her jaw The way her lips shaped words with such expression The way her voice ave advice beyond her years The way she listened like she cared about every word The way she made me feel--Alive Every curve and hollow of her body was recorded, in my mind, and now my hard drive There was a bit of truth in every lie, and even if it had only been fed to me in the smallest increments, I wanted, needed to remember the real Iris Because in the end, there was one irrefutable thing that I couldn’t deny Hostage or hustler, sinner or saint, whatever she was or wasn’t, whether she lied to my face or taunted me with hints of the truth, all of this seemed always to defer to the more pertinent fact at hand She was mine Inconceivably Undeniably Mine After yet another shocking discovery, followed by a disturbing letter, Dair is alood He tries his best to move on Easier said than done, and when an unexpected and dangerous opportunity arises for him to find out what happened to her, he doesn’t hesitate to take it As usual, with Iris, the answer leaves him more lost than the question Every revelation is shrouded in mystery, and every disclosure leaves Dair more in the dark than ever And when finally, the messy truth is revealed in its entirety, will he be ready for it? This is the final installment in Iris and Dair’s story This book is intended for readers 18 and up
