Page 22 (1/2)


The first thing I’hts I squint into the inky nothingness, straining to see so, butthe floor, which is oddly slanted, as if the roo strikes soain my balance Listen

There are voices, faint voices, from somewhere above

I don’t knohat this vision is about yet, where I a fro

And so terrible has happened

It’s possible that I’, but I don’t try to wipe at it I don’t lory, I think, but then they would findThe darkness closes in, encasing lory so hard that ernails break the surface of my palms

Be still, I tell myself Be quiet

I let the darkness shole



“How you holding up, Clara?”

I jolt back to azines strewn around my feet, which I must have dropped when the vision hit My breath is still frozen inh thehurts ainst the door fra smile

“What’s the ot you down?”

I gulp in a breath “How did you know?”

“I get the around people who have visions for nize the post-vision face” She takes e ofquiets “Do you want to talk about it?” she asks

“There’s not a lot to it yet,” I say I’ve been having this vision all suela So far there hasn’t been o on but darkness, terror, an oddly slanted floor “Should I tell you anyway?”

Billy shakes her head “You can if you want, if it would help you get things off your chest But visions are personal, for you and you alone, in my opinion”

I’m relieved she’s so laid-back about it “How do you do it?” I ask after alike nor to happen?”

There’s pain in her smile She puts her warm brown hand over mine “You learn to find your happiness, kid,” she says “You figure out those things that give your lifeabout the stuff you can’t control”

“Easier said than done” I sigh