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Demons are scary

No ion or walk of life you come from, this remains pretty constant Oh sure, they have their absurd moments - especially in the circles I run with - but all in all, people have good reason to fear and avoid hell's diabolical servants They're cruel and , and torture souls in their free time They lie They steal They cheat on their taxes

Yet, in spite of all that, I couldn't help but think I was about to witness thedemonic act yet

An awards ceremony For me

Horatio, vice demon of such-and-such division of Infernal Affairs, stood beforeto i miserably I suspected his sky blue polyester suit and ely to blame The sideburns didn't help either He probably hadn't left the inner circles of hell in about six centuries, back around the last time sky blue polyester was in style

With a too-long clearing of his throat, he glanced back and forth between those gathered, verifying ere all paying attention My supervisor Jero at his watch Beside hirinned from ear to ear A briefcase sat on the floor near hier, suck-up, lapdog look on his face indicated a burning desire for promotion

As fora hard battle to look excited too - and failing Which was unacceptable, of course I' people - men in particular - believe and see what they want to in in to sultry dominatrix in a heartbeat All it takes is a bit of shape-shifting and a dash of playacting I'd picked up the former ability when I traded away my human soul; I'd acquired the latter over tiuy, "Yeah baby, you were the best I've ever had" and not learn a little so Myths may paint us as ethereal, de a succubus just coood sales pitch

So, really, this awards thing shouldn't have been a probleht face

"Verily, it gives reat honor to be here today," he intoned in a nasal, baritone voice


"Hard work is what nize one who has shown dedication and given her all to the Greater Evil Such individuals are what , ill allow us to win in this immense battle when all tallies are counted at the end of time Such individuals are worthy of our estee all know just how iht for our objectives in these difficult times "

He then added: "Whereas those who do not work hard are cast into the fiery pits of despair, to burn for all eternity and be ripped asunder by the hounds of hell"

I openedhow that would be ht my eye and shook his head

Meanwhile, Horatio had nudged Kasper, and the iold ereat pleasure that I present unto you this Award of Achieve Requisite Succubus Quotas in this Most Recent Quarter Congratulations"

Horatio shook ned by about fifty different people

This Certifies that:

LETHA (alias Georgina Kincaid), Succubus in the Archdiocese of Seattle, Washington, United States of America, North America, Earth, has hereby Excellently Exceeded and Surpassed Requisite Succubus Quotas in this Most Recent Quarter, de performance in seduction, damnation, and corruption of human souls

Everyone looked at , so I supposed they expected so if I'd get in trouble for triht-by-ten frame

"Urn, thanks This iscool"

That seelance to Jerome

"You must be so proud"

"Exceptionally,"a yawn

Horatio turned back to ht find yourself in line for promotion to the corporate level"

As if giving h I forced a smile

"Well There's still so much to do here"