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PROLOGUE“Don’t turn your back on me Look at me I think I deserve at least that small decency, Dante”

Tension radiated off of him when he turned around toat me For once, he didn’t pretend I was invisible His blue eyes wandered over my exposed body

My nipples hardened in the cool air of his office but I didn’t close e to cover ered on the apex of er than on the rest of my body and a small burst of hope filled me “Am I your wife?”

His blond brows drew together “Of course, you are” There was the hint of so I couldn’t place in his voice

“Then claihts, Dante Make me yours”

He didn’t aze was alhost touch on my naked skin

I wasn’t above begging I knew I alht “I have needs too Would you prefer if I found a lover who relieved you of the burden to touch h with it No, I knew I couldn’t go through with it, but this act of provocation was my last option If Dante didn’t react to that, then I didn’t knohat else to do

“No,” he said sharply, soh his perfect ether, jaw locked, and walked toward me I shivered with need and excitement when he stopped in front of ht I detected the hint of desire in his eyes It wasn’tdistance between us and curledh ainst my sensitive nipples and I let out a ss was almost unbearable Dante’s eyes flashed as he looked down at me Slowly he wrapped an arainst my lower back

Triu me nowCHAPTER ONEOf course I’d known it would happen My father had made his standpoint clear the mo to stay unmarried But I hadn’t expected my father to find a new husband for me so quickly, and I definitely hadn’t expected my new husband to be Dante – The Boss – Cavallaro

Antonio’s funeral had taken place only nine ement teeter on the brink of inappropriateness Mother was usually a the first to pounce on anyone who co wrong with the fact that today, less than a year after saying good-bye to Antonio, I was going to meet my next husband I’d never loved Antonio as a woman loved a e had never been real, but I’d hoped to get more time before I was forced into another union, especially as I didn’t even get to choose for myself this time

“You are so lucky Dante Cavallaro agreed to marry you It came as a surprise for many that he decided to take a woman who has already beenwomen after all,” my mother said as she brushed s; she was only stating the obvious I kneas true Everyone did

A man in Dante’s position didn’t have to content himself with the leftovers of another, a lesser ht, and yet I was supposed to marry him I, who didn’t even want toas Dante Cavallaro I, ished to stay alone, if only to protect Antonio’s secret Hoas I supposed to keep up the lie? Dante was known as a

“He’ll be the Boss of the Outfit in two months, and when you’ll o and the Midwest And if you keep up your good friendship with Aria, you’ll have connections to New York as well”

As usualworld do to wrap my mind around the fact that I was supposed to erous I wasn’t a bad liar In the years of e to Antonio I’d i difference between lying to the outside world and lying to your husband Anger toward Antonio resurfaced as it had so often in the past months He’d forced me into this situation

Ma her work My dark hair fell in soft glossy curls over my shoulders and back I pushed to my feet For the occasion, I’d chosen a creaed into my waistband, as well as black modest heals I was one of the tallest woht and naturally h-heels I didn’t bother to point out that Dante was still at least five inches taller than h heels And this wasn’t the first time he saw me anyway We’d met a couple of times on mafia functions and had even shared a brief dance at Aria’s wedding in August three ed otten the impression that Dante was even re closed-off, so who kneas really going on in that head of his?