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Chapter 1ZurielleThree sirained into me from birth:

1 Never leave Olympus

2 My family , and as such, my loyalty to them should be my first priority at all times

3 Never trust the Sea Witch

Tonight, I’ all three

There rets later, but as I watch Olye them up now My sisters will be fine They’ve never felt the city borders quite as acutely as I have They’re happy in a way I can’t replicate Maybe I could have settled before I one

Now, I only have one path available

I try very hard not to think aboutbus ride to Carver City I’est, the baby to be protected at all costs, for all that I’ht around the ti the living, no one stays sheltered in Oly Not when they move in the circles my father does

I push the thought away and close my eyes The future The future is all that ive me eventually, especially once he realizes I did it for love Is there any more honorable motivation?

And I do love Alaric Those weeks I spent with him over the winter were the happiest I’ve ever had He’s kind and sweet and so incredibly respectful What father wouldn’t want his daughter with a man like that?

I allow myself to sink into the warm memories to pass the time It feels like between one blink and the next the bus shudders to a stop and the driver announces that we’ve reached the station I