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Nathan took only the barest notice of the sudden change in atrown used to the reaction he had on humans

As a warrior eneration Breed male—the most powerful of his kind—Nathan’s presence often put even other vampires on alert

But it was the other part of his nature, the fact that he was born and raised a Hunter, one of a dark legion bred for killing and stripped of all emotion or attachment, which broadcast an unspoken, visceral terror into the roolanced his way now through the swirling dance lights in the darkened club

“They don’t look happy to see us,” quipped Rafe, one of three other Breed warriors who reported to Nathan as their squad captain

“I doubt Cassian Gray elcome the Order with open arms either” This from Nathan’s lieutenant, Elijah, in the slow, laid-back Texas drawl that belied the vampire’s quick skill with any one of the blades or firear from his weapons belt

Froht’s patrol, quirked a slender black eyebrow over his almond-shaped eyes “It’s not like we left on the best of terms last time”

No, they hadn’t The last time Nathan and his crew had stepped inside the former church that was now one of the city’s most popular—and least reputable—hot spots, it ended with the club’s proprietor, Cassian Gray, calling in an armed unit of the Joint Urban Security Taskforce Initiative Squad The Order didn’t have time to deal with any public or political fallout froht

And if Cass thought he could hide behind the palreased so ithin that co Dead wrong, if that’s the way he wanted to play it

The Order had recently coht have other, unknown allies in his pocket Allies ould make his law enforcement and criminal underworld connections seem like worthless puppets

Tonight, Nathan and his squad had been tasked with bringing the mysterious club owner in to the Order’s Boston co

“Co the sharp spike of adrenaline and anxious perspiration injected into the generallike a fog in the club, Nathan gestured for his team to follow him deeper inside “Eli, you and Jax search the public rooms Rafe and I will take the offices in back”

With the tarriors heading off on his instructions, Rafe fell in alongside Nathan to cut a path through the crowds on their way to La Notte’s owner’s quarters There was no security to stop the thethe floor of his club as he so enjoyed or not in the building at all

Nathan hoped it was the foret back to Cass one way or another, and the Order didn’t want to give the son of a bitch any cause for alarround before they could interrogate him about who—or, rather, what—he truly was