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I fucked up

I knew I’d eventuallyin my entire life Lila

Because that was the only thing I was capable of

Destroying lives

Ruining her

Wrecking us

I tried to protect her, since the day I oddamn pinky swear for the first time Ruthless in my endeavor to make sure she was always happy, always taken care of, by eliot to protect her from myself

My lungs seized in my chest, and my throat closed A choked sound ca the burn in the back of my eyes

“You’re the best unplanned thing that has ever happened toto push…at the end “You’ve been telling lies and keeping secrets fro to me, Maddox?”

My head snapped up at her words I didn’t have an answer I fucking wished I did

Lies, noor s beautiful – us

Lies and secrets…

Everything I’d ever done, every decision I made was to protect Lila

But no band-aids would ever be enough to stop the open, festering wounds I’ve left behind

“I’m sorry,” I choked

The torment on her face decimated me “Is that all you have to say?”

My vision blurred – fuck – I had to remind myself not to lose my shit “I’m sorry”

A lone tear slid down her cheek “They said you were trouble I didn’t listen I took a chance on you And now I regret it”

“Don’t leave me” My hoarse voice cracked

Lila took a step back My wounded heart lurched, and bile crawled up the back of my throat, bitter and acidic

“Lila,” I breathed her name “Please”

She slowly shook her head, another silent tear leaving a wet trail on her cheek “Maddox” She looked pained, and her lips wobbled “You broke your promises”

And now she was breaking hers

Her feet took her another step back

“No,” I pleaded “Lila, no”

My voice caught inheart in the pal me… empty

I sunk toon the heavy taste of bitterness on ue This couldn’t be the end… it couldn’t

The door closed, even as I called out her na weak man