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Chapter One


Duke Baldwinhot He’s on the cover of Sports Illustrated thishis usual cocky srips his hockey stick in his left hand, and his ht fabric I practically drool on the front cover, which would suck if I did—because I was looking forward to spending some alone time with Duke

As I flip through the five-page spread about the sexy captain, I fanEvery ti it to me

Sitting on the edge of the tub, I test the water tehter is sound asleep in her bed And after the day I had, I need some much-needed Mommy Time

I set theblue eyes look up at me as I strip away my clothes His wicked smirk sends a shiver down ine Duke’s hands on my skin I envision hoould feel to kiss his full, perfect lips

I slide into the warazine Withers as I continue e of the article, Duke is shirtless, wearing shorts that sit low on his hips, exposing the V line of his abdomen

My eyes follow the light trail of hair that runs down his thick chest and dips beneath his shorts I lick rab the shoand and turn on the jets I slide e, those bright blue eyes haunting me I suck in a deep breath from the pleasure that rushes over y causes le

The door opens a crack, but I ignore it Strange things happen in this old house all the tirip Duke’s big shoulders, hoould feel to ride him like one of his puck bunnies My toes curl frohmy release that I can almost see the finish line

“Molance over at Max, who rubs the sleep from her eyes with her tiny hands, and my jaw hits the floor

Panicked, I attee of the tub instead Shit! Water shoots across the roo both of us It looks like Old Faithful just erupted inthe walls with a steady stream

Max screams when the ater hits her in the face The wand is uncontrollable, rolling back and forth as I reach for it A wave hits the opposite wall and bounces off, splashing Max as she turns her back to me

“Mommy, make it stop!”

I finally get a good grip on the wand and sube it as I turn the knobs Why didn’t I think to turn off the water first? And I’m supposed to be a doctor? This is not my finest moment

I ju onto the floor So ht to myself I had it all planned out—the bath, my favorite bottle of red wine, and an hour of Netflix before bed Now, I’ the bathroorow up, it’s a trap