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Current Day



I rub ue over bits of scrap leather "That'sa bit out of Elsa's hand When her sister picks up another scrap, Anna grabs for it "That one, too"

"They can't all be yours," Elsa complains She looks over at me "Mama—"

Whatever happened to twins getting along like two peas in a pod? The older they get, the irls There's plenty of scraps to go around for everyone"

"But I wanted the ones with the red tones," Anna co to be all red colors! Hers is pale It won't look right if she takes all the bright scraps" She tries to snatch another piece out of Elsa's hand, but Elsa holds it out of her reach

"I want a red heart in the center of my tunic," Elsa declares "I can do that if I want to!"

"No you can't—"

"Yes, I can—"

"Girls!" I snap Most days I can handle the onaway for today? We'll look at it again tomorrow"

"But I want a pretty tunic," Elsa whines, and Anna thrusts her lip out, pouting They're at that age where they can go fro me crazy