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Afterlife Joey W Hill 31060K 2023-08-31

"Apparently, soave both women a fond smile before he turned a one after herto sweep her off her feet"

Ellen laughed "Well, any woo for that offer is crazy You let me know if she turns you down We"ll help console you" While the women were obviously pleased with hi to keep up, to figure out how to feel about this Unlike those twenty-so-terood hts on all of it topsy-turvy again

As if he"d picked up on it, and of course he would, Jon bantered with thees, and then he had her ave her a hug, putting a quick whisper in Rachel"s ear

"You look so good together You let yourself have that one, you hearthat nice" She h she didn"t say it, Rachel heard it echo in her heart

So about yourself

When they arrived at Jon"s house, she was given even more to think about And to despair about His home was not only perfectly suited to him, it was the type of place she"d love to call ho, and a custom architecture that blended into a forested twenty-acre lot The house had lots of screened-in outdoor porch area on all three levels, with a carport under the pilings where he parked the silver car As they drove up, she noted a "s peak that would give an evenwoods

"I have an infrared scope up there At night, you can watch all sorts of wildlife

Deer, fox, raccoons I do s on the top porch The bird calls and swas are so loud, sometimes I feel like I"m in the middle of a symphony There are nature trails, and several of theot abuoy in theline and then lie down in it, float and think Soator that lives in the pond will buhted by his enthusiasht would attract her, and did, she laughed "That would wake me up, for sure I"d paddle back to shore so fast, I"d set records"

"I think he"s saying howdy, being neighborly He"s only about six feet long, so he"s still a junior"

"Oh well, six feet I feel much better"

He shepherded her up the stairs to the second level She could tell fros on the first-level porch, as well as the dust on the s, that must be where his workshop was located In contrast, the front door on the second level was flanked by clean diale oa sy of the experience of life Seeing that so his threshold, such that she hesitated, needing athat step

"Did you have this built after the K&A officesyour research" His quick look made her cheeks flush "No, I"ve had this house awhile Since it"s a short trip froed "My parents were from here, so I wanted soreat contacts to help us switch our main office after Katrina Matt liked it so er than expected It helped that Savannah also had a satellite office here she could transition into her base" He opened the front door from a keypad, and then swept his ar her about the dirty dishes of course, but it was unexpected all the sa way He had a potted forest of delicate, spidery Japanese maples that accented the dark wood futons and comfortable floor pillows Several stone table fountains and a large sculpture fashioned of various curved ave the open area a tropical, misty feel To the left, she saw a spacious silver kitchen, and to the right, a stairwell led up to a loft bedrooht and forest views at all angles