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Darkhouse Karina Halle 29350K 2023-08-31

"Dex Foray," I read the shiny white print aloud "Producer, carapher Shownet"

I flicked the card over There was nothing but a Seattle address I looked up at him, at his face that I couldn’t see

"Are you frohed "Fuck no"

I stuck the card ininto e hadn’t desertedthat whatever you guys are doing here tonight, you’re doing so without the perhthouse"

"There’s no one else here It’s just h "Look, I don’t care I’ to report you I shouldn’t even be here et out of here before you do get in trouble"


"It’s just me," he repeated "Did you see someone else here?"

His voice becae of tone alarmed me

"Yes," I said slowly "I heard you upstairs, and I was going to go out the , but I saw the shadow of someone pass by Outside"

There was silence He shuffled in the dark and moved closer to me I wished I could see his face properly

"Are you sure you saw so to doubt uns "Yes, I saw someone Someone walked past the ear to God"

"Where did you come from? Did anyone coht so it was onvery sorry at all "I…well, nevermind"

"Nevermind?" I couldn’t help but sneer "You just broke into hthouse Don’t you tell me to nevermind"

I realized it wasn’t probably the best idea to start provoking a coer, especially when you actually hadn’t seen his face yet and you were in a dark, possibly abandoned lighthouse together, but

He straightened up, his figure blocking the ht and reached doith his hand to help me up He wasn’t very tall at all, ht ht and gravity and within seconds he had his arms around both sides of me He smelled like Old Spice aftershave I felt like I was in some bad drama on the Lifetime network

"You OK?" he asked His face wasn’t too far away from mine I turned around on the spot so thatin on his face, illuuy Maybe I was expecting a bald man with a beard, but he wasn’t like that at all

His jaide and round, totally acceptable A dusting of an Errol Flynn moustache traced his upper lip and his chin was shaded by scruffy beard He had fathomless, dark eyes framed by brows that were devilishly arched and set low on his forehead A siht eyebrow It was a very ‘90s look A man after my own heart, apparently He re days

He watched ht, full of intensity I felt relieved that he looked like a normal person and almost tickled that he was quite a looker as well

"Just a bit dizzy," I aze withafter awhile It must have shown onperfect white teeth

"Good," he said "Promise not to sue?"

I eyed hih"

He pursed his lips and seeh his eyes remained motionless

"Why are you here?" he finally asked

"We’re having a bonfire on the beach I got sick of hanging around teenagers and wanted to coer I didn’t tell anyone, I just left I was hoping to fil I panicked My camera! I reached down and pulled it up in front of hts flared and then steadied I couldn’t see the lens but Dex grabbed it and held it in front of the light He peered at it, brows furrowing, and gently put it back around ht you wrecked the shit out of mine when you ran into me"

He lifted his cah it was his own daht," he continued, reading my face "Who cares? I probably deserve to have this ca else; what, exactly, I don’t know, but I have a feeling I would have tried to make him feel better, when there was another loud thump from up above

I froze I could feel hi me intently

"You sure you caain chilled ravely

I sed hard We both listened hard, still as death

Another thuuy really alone? Maybe this was still the rape palace and he was trapping uys did all the work There was an air of uncertain danger about hih that could have just been the situation or his floppy, messy dark hair and Byronic ht ave him an incredulous look

He leaned intobolts were traveling alongintoI closed my eyes and enjoyed it

"Are you one hundred per cent sure that no one else ca the static and traveling in waves down my spine