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Darkhouse Karina Halle 29760K 2023-08-31

I turned around and looked at him I smiled what must have been a very brave but very fake s up withas confused as I thought he o check in We’lland head back to Portland"

He took another step closer, those relentless eyes searching , that would satisfy him

"Is that what you want?" he asked

No It wasn’t

"I’m sorry I ruined your show, Dex," I said round for a second and shook his head "You shouldn’t apologize It’s not very beco of you"

He looked up "Besides, it’s notisn’t lost yet, kiddo"

Everything isn’t lost yet Where had I heard that before?

"Say that again?"



I could see that he didn’t believe it was nothing, but he let it slide He looked around

"Do you want ht?" he asked There was no hesitation in his voice

Of course, I wanted him to stay I would have asked anyone to stay

"This will sound stupid," I began, "but do you et ho out here, watch whatever you like, play video gao to sleep in the other rooht now"

He nodded "Sure"

I felt bad for asking and for preventing hiin to explain what I saw out there I--"

He took a step towardshis head "Don’t Don’t explain I want to hear it, but we can discuss it in the ize either That’s a weakness, not a strength I don’t need your apology In fact, none of this would have happened if I hadn’t left your side, so I’m the one who is sorry"

"Dex, it was dark--"

"And so, anyway, you can see why I don’tto stay here for a few hours"

"OK," I s "Thank you," I said starting towards the spare rooht"

"I’ll be here if you need anything," he called after me

I paused at the door to the roo it behind me I didn’t have to turn around to know that he was still there

The nextfinally arrived after waves of dreamless sleep I say drea inin a half-delirious, half-asleep state the entire night Despite being so tired that my body literally could not move an inch once I lay down on the bed, e Flashes of the night, the lamps, the face, the trees, the sweater, the wohmade any sense, which is probably whyto process it at three aht

Needless to say, I did not feel rested at all the nextEspecially when I woke up to the sound of rain on the roof and a heavy chill in the air I wished getting out of bed wasn’t an option

But I had places to go (ho into the war uilt

Ah yes,up and leaving this place without accoed to scare the shit out ofif I hadback to Portland knowing the entire weekend was a waste Worse yet, I felt like itlook bad Who would believe ain? I had told the world ere doing and now there was absolutely nothing to show for it I was going to look like the biggest fool on earth Not only me, but Dex too

After I washed up and put on the barest traces of makeup, I stepped into my only other pair of clothes, which happened to be a pants, a thick, red, long-sleeve tunic, and a wide studded belt I knew I looked like I was going to a rock concert in the middle of winter but I didn’t care I just hoped h to wear after they had been so waterlogged It was nice to care about nors

I paddedcereal at the table He looked up and s! Want some breakfast?"

I shook my head and sat down

"You look tired Did you not sleep well?" He sounded concerned

"I thought I did, but probably not," I said, then eyed the coffee pot in the corner

Al followed et this in you stat! You are just as bad as ratefully "Was Dex still here when you cahere and writing in some notebook He said he didn’t want to leave you with no one else at home"