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Darkhouse Karina Halle 31030K 2023-08-31

Me? Dangerous? I gave Dex a wildly bewildered look to a

"Don’t look so shocked," he said calmly "I can see it"

"See what?"

"I told you that you scared me, didn’t I?" He looked me in the eye for a second and then looked away

Even though I had taken stunt lessons to feel powerful, to feel dangerous, what he just said chilled erous with a hooking block, but to have this older, stronger, weirder ht I wasn’t like that

"I’m five foot two and as sweet as a mouse," I said defensively

He pursed his lips and raised his brow "You are short And I know you can be shen you want to be But there are different kinds of dangerous, kiddo I’ to leave it at that"

I had the need to vindicate myself and show hi about I suddenly foundmy very nature

"Hey," he said and pressed his index finger in betweenout the furrow thatboy I’ll watch out for you if you’ll watch out for ainstinto it like a knife into a warmed block of butter

"Deal" I ser and looked wistful

"What now?" I asked

He shrugged "I don’t know"

"What do you think this all ain, I wish I knew But I think we are meant to find out"

"Meant to? Like fate?" Dex didn’t strike me as someone who put too much stock into fate

"Maybe Maybe not But I think you agree that this isto you These aren’t just coincidences Things are happening for a reason"

"Be that as it may, I still don’t knoe’re supposed to do about it"

"I think you do You said so earlier"

Did I? I exhaled loudly and watched the rain patter on theIt was slowing down and the sky was lighting up a shade or two It was hard to believe it was just ten am It had only been twenty-four hours since Dex had picked o

Yes, I guess I did knohat I--we--had to do The only thing that seehthouse one more time while ere still out here Filet out Alive

I didn’t add that last word for effect, even though I got goose bu back this tier A lotwould definitely go down There was too s for it not to The woman told Dex that eren’t finished yet; call me crazy, but I was inclined to believe her

"When the woman talked to you in the diner, did anyone else notice her?" I asked curiously

He thought a ht I saw the waitress give her a strange look, which would host If that’s what you’re asking But I can’t be sure"

"She’s either real or she’s not If she’s not real, she’s a ghost"

"She could be so"

"Is that even possible?"

"I think we’d have to share a conscience if it were I’h e course on it They have paraphysics at ITT Tech, right?"

His smile stretched lazily across his face It pleased me to see the color had returned and his eyes were cal that ere both in this together

"So, then I guess the only thing left to do is to go back and try again Today," I announced, newly deterht," was his rebuttal

"All logic and rational thought points to a dayti to happen during the day"

"No, I don’t know that You don’t know that Crazy crap happens all the tiht And it’ll be so much easier to catch on film"

"Exactly! It would be easier, hence why nothing will happen during the day Don’t you ever wonder why no one has gotten flat-out photographic proof of a ghost? Because they can’t be seen that way"

"Is that your theory?"

"Yes And it’s a good one Ghosts, the paranormal, weird shit There is never solid proof because whatever we are hunting refuses to be captured They refuse to be seen by everyone They exist enough to lure us in and seduce us but in the end will never give us anything solid It’s likeghost law Didn’t you see Beetlejuice?"

"Uh huh," I said slowly Though an aweso at