Page 39 (1/2)

Darkhouse Karina Halle 28460K 2023-08-31

"Uh, yeah," I replied, giving Melody a look She raised her brows to say she had no idea who it was

"Ahhh, Perry, you ghost wohosts, yes?" the ure out as going on "Maybe?"

"Yes, yes! You her! You’re the lady on the co star!"

My heart stopped I quickly peered down at the number on the call display It was a Seattle area code

"Dex?" I asked, the hope in

"Dex? He is handsoenius He discover you! Made you big star"

"Dex," I repeated slowly

There was a pause then the voice giggled, high and shrill I recognized that laugh anywhere It was Dex

"I’ular low and s my heart arht not have your phone anyhtly The phone started to light up with another call Melody moved to press the button but I shooed her away The other calls could wait This is what I called "The Receptionist’s Prerogative"

"I’ll try and keep this brief as I’ other calls froo?"

"Uh good, fantastic," I said, not wanting to outright talk about my new position in front of Melody Seemed like it would be in bad taste

"Do I need to speak in code? Did you get the job?"

"Yes to both," I smiled Melody watched ood news for you, right?" he asked innocently

"Of course"

"Hmmmm," he mused The line went silent

"What?" I asked, feeling funny about his reaction

"I need you to come up to Seattle on Friday afternoon," he stated in a very no-nonsense voice, as if I had no choice

"What?" I exclaimed "I can’t do that!"

"You have to," he replied

I looked at Melody She got the hint She got out of her chair and whispered, "I’o use the bathroom"

I mouthed thank you to her then promptly sat down in her place

"What do you mean I have to?" I whispered violently into the ether, I’ve co brilliant, Perry At least I think so Jih, just to e? So you were able to save it?"

"Well, I hate to borrow an old phrase from your favorite decade, but, DUH!" he said sarcastically

I rolled h there was no one to see it "This is the first I’ve heard of it I thought you were going to call me as soon as you knehat you had?"

"No, I said I would call if I knew anything interesting, and Jimmy just told ht that was pretty interesting"

"Dex I just can’t go to Seattle on such short notice I start my new position on Monday, and I still have to train the receptionist," I hissed

"She sounded well trained to me A lot nicer than you, actually"

I swear I al up the phone I took a deep breath and hoped he would respond to reason

"Listen, Dex, I can’t leave Your Jiuy will understand Maybe I could come on Saturday or next weekend," I said very slowly and calonna happen It’s now or never, do or don’t, or die, depending on how dramatic you want to make this Just call in sick"

I did feel sick now that all this was going on I should have known this wouldn’t be a simple situation It sure as hell hadn’t been simple so far

"Oh, I don’t know," I said wearily

"Call in sick Your receptionist will ht? Listen here, I will fly you up here No cost to you You’ll meet with Ji You’ll sign so will be all right with the world"

That sounded all too easy

I sighed, unsure of what to say It was another one of the moments where I knew my actions would detero down Did I say yes, ditch work and possibly da with Dex and doing so (albeit unconventional) with my life, and move forward down a more responsible path? Could I do both? Maybe