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Decadent Shayla Black 38150K 2023-08-31

"Why are you trying tobetter between Kimber and me?" Deke turned his attention back to his cousin "To et closer to the baby?"

Luc closed his eyes "I deserved that I…influenced you both to get what I want I thought it was in everyone’s best interest, not justto talk soood Like you said a few days ago, I regard you as a brother You should be happy You deserve it after all this time and shit"

Deke sed That was probably the nicest thing Luc could have said to him in that moment He wanted to believe it He almost did… "Thanks"

At one o’clock, Kimber sat on the patio of her favorite deli The area was shaded by live oak trees and bordered a quiet side street, which would help with privacy

She plucked at the tank top wilting against her skin, hoping that the heat would ensure that if they were gawked at, it would be purely through s in the deli’s cool interior

Ten minutes later, Jesse pushed his way out the door and onto the patio He turned and waved Kih one of the s

"He insisted on being around, in case a crowd follows He’ll stay inside, though

This lunch is just for us Damn, it’s hot!"

Jesse stripped off his checked collared shirt, which he’d worn over a wife-beater tee that shouted "Life Sucks" in bright blue letters and enough bling to blind her

He didn’t rehed, then spotted the waitress co here is good"

The young wonize Jesse while she took their order, but the way her body tensed with excite in his direction…it was obvious

"A turkey sandith sprouts and double cheddar on a baguette and a cola

Sure, Mr McCall" Her voice was high and thin with thrill

Trying not to roll her eyes, Ki salad on wheat and a side of fruit

Then reluctantly, the waitress left the pause, Jesse took a sip of water, then fingered the condensation on the exterior of the glass "Thanks for agreeing to see me"

"This is the last ti married What possessed you toht…we’d talked about it before You’re a good influence, and I don’t like where e it," Kiested "I can’t do it for you" He looked at her over the tops of his sunglasses Wounded, bloodshot eyes pleaded as he took her hands in his "You can help er with you You make me want to be a better person"

"You have to want to be a better person for yourself Not having e your life If you really want to clean up your act, fire Ryan

He’s trying hard to make sure your life is every bit as screwed up as his Stop the parties Start listening to Cal Heto prevent you fro Jesse’s bad-boy reputation, which would sell lots of CDs and iTunes downloads, but that was another story…

"I’ll do it," he vowed "See, you’re ss"

"You can also handle thelasses to reveal a tired, crestfallen face "I don’t bla to help me I behaved like a shit when you toured with me I shouldn’t have fucked the blonde with Ryan And the video…God, I felt so stupid I’ near you made me crazy, but I didn’t want to touch you

Every tiht about it or tried, I felt like…a childto ruin you, and you’re too innocent--"

"I’m not Not anymore"

Jesse froze "The asshole on the phone, you gave hiinity?"

"I fell in love with him, Jesse I was in love with him before I came on tour with you He did his best to push me away--"

"Sounds to rowled "And where is he now?"

Kis just don’t work out Like with us"

"Don’t say that Come with me We’ll take care of each other"

"No You’ll be fine without ht You got sucked into tooWhat would your parents have wanted you to do? What do you want to be able to tell your children about this part of your life? Certainly not that you saw people snorting coke and having group sex in your hotel room Or that you and one of your bands you’d be proud of"

"You’re really not going to change your mind, are you?" She shook her head "I’h toe’llsad, like so, Jesse stood and made his way around the table, plucked her from her seat, and drew her into his arms "You’re a special woman"

Kimber smiled Jesse covered it softly with his ood-bye

Suddenly, an electronic whirr crashed into the quiet

Footsteps--lots of theirls

Pulling away, Kimber blinked, stunned to find she and Jesse surrounded A handful of photographers frantically snapped pictures Young wo themselves braless, as they stared at Jesse in worship

"Can I have your autograph?" one asked

"What are you doing here?" the waitress asked, horrified "It’s supposed to be a secret!"

"I had to see hiraph book

"Are you really going to marry her?" Another female fan looked at Kimber with disdain

Neither one answered