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Translator’s Corner (Cast: An English Clown and Staff)

Staff: Hey, what are you doing in the corner, nutjob? Seriously, where did ?

Clown: Why am I in here? What did you do with Pierrot?

Staff: Who? Listen, I don’t care how crazy you are, but this “Pierrot” person does not exist

Clown: Yes she does! What did you do to her?!

Staff: …

Clown: Answer me!

Staff: You know, no matter what happens to you in here, I can just say that you hurt yourself…

Clown: This is clearly medical malpractice!

Staff: Dead people don’t talk

Clown: …

Staff: You knohat they say, “I want to die peacefully inlike the passengers in his car”

Birth of a Demon Lord Arc

067 Forest Assailants

When I confirmed that the barrier has indeed fallen, I decided to finally come out

At the exact saa worriedly jumped out of the shadow

“No proble the state of my body

Seeinally was

Seriously, what a screwed up tale this has becoht without even hearing what I had to say… well, I did play along, though

But, contrary to my expectations, I was defeated…

No, not defeated They do say that escape is also a victory

“Wisemyself to escape was the correct decision

Since I only tried to escape, now that I have, this is my victory! That’s a little painful to say

So let’s call it a draw

This was a really close call I was able to survive thanks to the insurance I set up before hand, but this was aleous, I created a clone and planned y to make it, she would have found out; so, instead, I physically separated a piece of my slime body and sent that away

I was able to escape thanks to theaffected by the battle, but it was still a pain

Had she foreseen my ability to split this way, that would have been the end…

But since she didn’t know all of uess no one would plan for it by default Thus, I was saved

I timidly left the battlefield, and reached what used to be the boundary of the barrier, and thus lost some time

I’d die if Hinata spottedmy presence As a result, I was able to successfully escape, albeit with difficulty

However… Hinata is way too strong!

With that strength she doesn’t need a barrier… but she still goes out of her way to use it just in case Seriously! Cut me some slack, will you?!

This time, I couldn’t even scratch her She didn’t even see a reason to wear ar?

Seems like there are ht’s harvest includes Hinata’s rapier, the skill she used, and data on her e』kept up the data link

I also ordered it to record data for future reference Honestly, I didn’t believe I could win froration” is so powerful it sent chills down ainst that

Even ain death No joke

I’ic, the only thing you can do is to run away or to interfere with the drawing of the reat if I could absorb and analyze it, but I had no such chance

Life isn’t that easy

The mo feedback from the clone made me feel dizzy

Froet is oner

Could Milim endure it? Let’s ask her the next time we meet

That’s how much data I was able to acquire this time around You could even say that this was my victory

But let’s just call it a draw

No! I’ a sore loser!

This isn’t the ti to Teh I can feel the destination, I don’t feel a response from it

That’s bad, isn’t it… is this the weak barrier that Hinata spoke of?

I should return as quick as possible

「Off we go!」

I said to Ranga

And, with a heavy heart, I transferred to the Cave of the Seal

In front of the cave, which was just outside the barrier, gathered Gabil and his troops

When he saw me,

「Oh! Rimuru-sama, we are in trouble!」

He called out

See true I can only la with Hinata

I have no ti so decided, I established a telepathic link with Gabil’s group

And, while thus conversing, hurried into Tempest

This ti them to report within a e, but this is the wrong tiot a feel for the situation

Here’s what happened

About an hour ago, a report came in

They spoke via spirit communicators, and were thus able to hear the news

A number of assailants have come, it said

Souei intended to find out their identity via shadow step, but he couldn’t use it

Moreover, telepathy stopped working

So, though slightly panicked, they remembered about the spirit communicators

Created as a spare, ere fortunate that it allowed conversation between the cave and the city

According to the information Gabil heard, the adventurers were also in a state of panic

And, approxi

So Gabil told urdo

But they were very worried about the city so were arguing whether or not to send a scout

To send or not to send–they couldn’t get their priorities straight which resulted in a split of opinion

(Alright, I got it You guys retreat and protect the cave

Please capture the invaders without killing the whether he can dom?)

(Ah, have him wait for a bit When the situation becoood)

(Understood! Please take care of yourself!)

The telepathic link was cut

15 , I would havemy heart, I shadow step closer to the city Chances are if I leap into the city, I won’t be able to leave the shadow

So I leap close enough to fly to it

That leap I was able to hest speed, I headed for the city

The barrier spread around the city put up a resistance But, holding my left hand in front of h

After successfully entering the city I felt the barrier ic concentration has dropped significantly, but y properly flows

This barrier is clearly inferior to the Holy Barrier used againstthe city preathered in the city; their faces gloo happened it see roup opened a path and knelt before urdo and Kaijin

「Rimuru-sama, we are overjoyed that you have returned to us There are matters we must hear your opinion on, so please co forward?

See about this

「Rigurdo, Kaijin Move of out the way What happened?」

「N-nothing Some small problems here and there, so for now…」

「Don’t try to hide it Move」

At my command, the people timidly cleared the way

What appeared before me, that scene

Countless monsters lay there

Men, wo…

All dead

Why has…

I can’t feel ood, I can’t think straight

A total of 100 friends lay before , aren’t you?!

My h I have no need for it, I feel out of breath

Though I lack a heart, it beats violently in my chest

「What is this, what happened?」

My voice escaped my lips

A cold voice that can be heard frourdo explained to the treroup which identified themselves as the followers of the Western Saint’s Church

We suddenly lost contact with other groups, and due to the sudden lethargy we felt…

Furtheruised theroup Hinata spoke of arrived faster than I expected

Next, a Hobgoblin elder continued

「As you have ordered, elco the to say this is Ried

「P-please forgive y resounded, but it did not reach my heart

I see, my order, my words caused this…

I aet along with humans

… reality is far !!!

… who knows? Think for yourself

A voice rang insideresponsibility