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Underground Labyrinth Exploration Party

The final match ended, with Benis from 1st to 4th are decided

Come to think of it, it will be necessary to decide the official positions and titles

For the tiood

Speaking about the Four Heavenly Kings, it’s Gobuta

『Kukuku, that fellow is the weakest of the Four Heavenly Kings He’s the disgrace of the Four Heavenly Kings!』

Will so like that be said?

It fits so much that it’s scary

If Gobuta is not in unification state with Ranga, there see party of adventurers

Oh well, it ainst a prepared Gobuta

Aside froanization seems to have expanded Looks like I have to think about the official position

I note it down in my mind

Because the victory ceremony ended, it is now time for the Labyrinth Exploration Party

It’s only for applicants, but I hope there are a lot of participants if possible

Today Raetic, she sits onwith confidence

Veldora who stands beside me also has a somewhat proud expression

「Oi, is it safe? Because today is the exploration party, it’s not good to be reckless you know?」

「Fuffufu It’s Aluright~![1] Please leave it to me! I will operated the safety device today」

「Kukukku However, after to day of an atrocious labyrinth!」

Looking at each other’s faces, Rahed wickedly

Is that okay? For so the final touches to so to do

After the lunch break ended, the spectators returned to their seat in the Colosseueon, but if 10,000 people go to the Dungeon at once it will get too crowded, and it also wouldn’t becoht about that, I requested one party to represent the conquering of the dungeon

Fortunately, it seems there’s nobody ent home after the lunch break

It’s possible to advertise it fully with this

Myorreets the spectators with the mike in his hand

And then,

「Well then without any delay, are there any brave people ant to conquer our country’s faeon?」

He shouted

While he shouts, we too head to the center of the Colosseu on ate in the middle of the Colosseum


A commotion is heard, and a quiet excitement spreads to the spectators

By the way, if there are no applicants, it would be Masayuki-kun’s turn

I’ on standby for his turn

As for the live broadcast position, Souka is the cameraman, Hakusou and Nansou will be her helpers

So! The challenger’s looks will be projected onto the large eon safely

It would be a big probleot hurt Therefore, I adopted a plan to let only the representatives personally experience it

Again, if there are no people interested in entering the Dungeon, its Masayuki’s turn

The problem is to plan the experience of death

However, if the first step into the first floor ends up unreasonable with an instant death, then there will be no challengers in the future

Because of that, I want you to do your best reasonably

Because the area is considerably wide, I don’t think they can clear the first floor, but This time, I let the helpers (Souka and co) that will accompany them to hold [Group Return] items

If there is a problem, it’s possible for them to return immediately

For about 2 hours, Souka will capture the best moments inside so that the spectators can enjoy it

Of course, as a souvenir, I also prepared treasure boxes eapons and other things here and there

Did Ramiris,Veldora, and Milim set an unreasonable trap or not? It’s the only worry I’ve had since a while ago

「Hehe, oi Demon Lord-san We will reveal your pretenses!

To show such a thing like a Tournarandiosely fixed matches, no matter how it is, you used soht?

It’s okay even if you don’t answer Also this labyrinth is just a bluff, we can see through your true colors!」


Soht? Though it also seeht in this Colloseuht as some kind of illusion

If you don’t have so

Probably because of that, there were people who siuys that suspect it was a hallucination or an illusion

Or rather, for people ere able to follow the matches, they looked pale and wanted to believe it isn’t true

Although I said they were able to follow thehts were on a different diree But that is fine

My purpose was accoht with ht

As expected, there are one or two people who can understand this aht by important people from each country

It’s fine if those people tell the truth to their employer

It was also expected that there would be so-awaited candidate came out, let’s make the request immediately

Because this just a trial, naturally the “Bracelet of Revival” is distributed for free

By Ramiris’ ability, it is possible to revive 10 seconds after dying

After that an improvement was added, I heard that its ability to cancel injury and pain when dead is confirh Heal or Full Potion is used, it is possible to revive on the spot

I give them such tips and explain it so they don’t think that it will happen outside of the labyrinth

Assu some idiot misunderstands that it’s possible to revive even on the outside, it’s not our responsibility

It’s annoying that everything is considered to be the reasonability of the organizer side

Even in my previous world, it feels like the responsibility was pressed too much on the shop side

For the idiot who breaks the rule and acts violently Even if they die, I think they reaped what they had sown

However, when the explanation is insufficient the responsibility is ours I take that as a warning; I decided to do things as carefully as I can

「Huh there is no death inside the labyrinth? Interesting

Then, you over there please die and show it! 」

He tests it on another person rather than on hiht be a natural request The no a ‘what a pain[2]’ expression and entered the Dungeon

At the sae skinhead man[3], who let out the previous remark seems to be the leader, took out a hatchet

「Then, please attack」

To Souka’ words, Nansou is slashed when he about to say「Wait!」


Or so like that, a loud scream was heard, Nansou is slashed so many times over

Nansou didn’t counterattack, he just receive the attack just as it is

Is the skinheadat the sah Nansou’s appearance is a personified dragon, he’s not a human

Because the other party is a monster, he torments him without any restraint

Oh well, the attacks is blocked by Nansou’s scales, and there is a possibility that he didn’t really receive any dae

The skinhead is covered with sweat, after he dealt a dozens of blow and he finally deic and arrows pour down on Nansou, it’s seems he finally defeated after soize to Nansou later After all he was pushed to an unpleasant role

Nansou’s defeated body becoht particles and disappears

The equipht articles and disappears

Such spectacle is recorded and projected on the large screen in the Colosseuht along

And so, at the sa, Nansou is revived on the side of the teate in the middle of the Colosseum


Shouts of joy arise from the spectators

It’s troublesome if this too is doubted as a trick, but there’s no other way toit theer is only this adventurer I think I have no other choice but to wait until it spreads froer, a cautious person an when the skinhead and co reach an agreein!

An unknoorld ahead Just what is waiting beyond this]

Souka’s face is projected onto the large screen, and the inside situation is relayed

It’s h the first floor ht that so, but it seeh I thought there were cave explorations or so like that even in this world