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The Wild Side RK Lilley 15210K 2023-09-01

"Don’t do this Don’t act like this You know I’ll worry if you leave now"

The doorbell rang again, and we still just stared at each other

She turned off her music, then looked at et that," she itated to deal even with the lovely, pleasant Lourdes

I opened the door and tried to smile

Lourdes smiled back, but it faltered as she studieddark eyes, and masses of wavy black hair "Is this a bad time?"

I shook et you a drink?" I asked, glancing at the stairs, wondering what Iris was going to do, how she was going to act, if she was going to leave I found that I didn’t care nohat else she did, as long as she didn’t leave Lourdes could draw her own conclusions and think whatever she wanted about me

I couldn’t let Iris leave like this

"No, thank you," said Lourdes "Let o play around in your backyard I’d like to see how the light is going to work out there at this time of day Actually, you should come with me"

I followed her out, leaving the back door open and trying to keep the bottoht so Iris couldn’t slip aithout

Lourdes called my name, I turned to look, and a few minutes passed while she set up

"Excuseback to the house

I heard the front door shutting as I stepped inside, and I broke into a sprint

I caught her in the courtyard, both of her bags in tow

She shotto clench s out of her hands, to keep froht to stop her "Why are you taking all your things?"

She shook her head, not quite looking at ive you a call later"

I took a step closer, and she moved farther down the drive

I followed "You don’t have a phone"

"I’ll find one to borrow"

"You don’t know my number"

"So tell it to me"