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Breaking Her RK Lilley 14790K 2023-09-01

At the tiue She's a perfect fucking angel, but a girl's still gotta date"

Anton just curled his lip "I bet he doesn't even need to wear those glasses And the douchebag calledbruh" He snorted "Bruh I bet he uses the word hella"

That ood day), but I quickly stifled it "Just be nice Jesus If I can pull ether and be pleasant for a day, so can you"

"I don't even think they're dating," Farrah added helpfully from the front seat "They're just friends She likes to hang out with him Kind of like you two"

That seeain, I still didn't catch the significance

"And us," Mitch added

Farrah gave hiive to a lover who has just said so that offended you "Not like us We have sex Sometimes"

I saw Mitch's baffled expression in the rearview and it alether?" he asked either Anton or uess both of us

At that I did laugh Maybe I should have been offended at such a personal question, but I kneasn't trying to be rude He was genuinely shocked

Anton was s his head as he answered, "Not at all"

"Like ever?" Mitch seemed unconvinced

"Never," I added "We're literally just friends So un-LA it hurts"

"Dude," Mitch said, and it was definitely directed at Anton

"Dude, I know," Anton shot back, still grinning

Farrah and I looked at each other and rolled our eyes "Relax, bruhs," I said,theets around plenty Just not with ain