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Breaking Her RK Lilley 13870K 2023-09-01

"I suppose I see your point As always, Adelaide is trying to h, but I didn't trust it

"As always," I agreed

"And it is a sore subject" His eyes flashed atunder the surface He wasn't going to lose it, but he was still furious, and it wasn't just going to go away on its own

Lucky for us, I had just the thing

I shifted restlessly, bitingnew, nor lared at me, and it didn't help

Was I turned on?

Absolutely and abundantly so

It isted And captivating Irresistible

He saw it too, and it seemed to piss him off even more A flame that fed itself perpetually No wonder we could never get enough of each other

"Are you done eating?" I asked him Neither of us had touched our food since the volatile conversation had begun

He pushed his plate away "I lost my appetite"

My breath came faster as I pointedly pushed my own plate away, my eyes on his , provocative

He started cursing and I alh he wasn't happy about it, he was going to listen to what I'd said, absorb it, comply with it

Round for me

He pushed his chair back from the table but didn't stand "Coone soft and warbehind as I moved This would not be the kind of sex that required foreplay, because that part was already over The fight had been the foreplay This next bit would be hell-bent, desperate, rough, quick, intoxicating, and straight to the point

My favorite

I reached hi down onto hireedy hand

He bouncedthe sa pure sorcery, licking, sucking, biting, one hand in, pawing, operating in tandeth in heavy, oscillating strokes