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Bandit Love Juanita Savage 7240K 2023-09-01

"Alla right, señorita, you secure from El Diablo Cojuelo now," said the


"Yes, you are safe fro nearer, "and explanations can wait until we get to the Castle"

Myra realised that it would be rather absurd to continue to try to lish, understand

that Don Carlos and El Diablo Cojuelo were onefaint and shaken, Myra was assisted down the

mountain-side after a little while, and was eventually lifted on to a

h the heart of the

Sierras was accoood

fortune a h officials of the Guardia Civil,

drove up just as the party reached the road Into the car Myra and Don

Carlos were invited, after some voluble explanations on the part of

their escort, and were speedily conveyed to El Castillo de Ruiz

"Welcome home, Myra, my wife," whispered Don Carlos, as he stepped out

of the car and proffered his hand "When you have recovered, ill

discuss the question of taking vengeance on El Diablo Cojuelo," he