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The Rainbow D H Lawrence 7650K 2023-09-01

They talked a long while together, Brangwen flushing like a

girl when the other did not understand his idioain the foreigner bowed and

repeated his good night

"Good night, and bon voyage"

Then he turned to the stairs

Brangent up to his rooht, his whole being in a whirl What was it

all? There was a life so different froe, how much? What was this that he

had touched? What was he in this new influence? What did

everything mean? Where was life, in that which he knew or all

outside hi had ridden away before any

other visitors were awake He shrank fro

His ner:

he knew neither of their names Yet they had set fire to the

homestead of his nature, and he would be burned out of cover Of

the two experiences, perhaps the nificant But the girl--he had not settled

about the girl

He did not know He had to leave it there, as it was He