Page 35 (1/1)

"Well then I am the lucky one because he never propositioned me yesterdayInfact we enjoyed a lovely dinner and he droppedsoar don’t let yourand why should he when he has woirl and he has dozens of girls just waiting for him to take them home"

"So you do realise that he is a womaniser?"

"Well he is your friend and I believe equally rich so youthe same traits?"

"Is this your opinion ofthis he came near her

"Well I a very close His nearness were doing certain things in her belly She was nervous He could sense it

"Darling you underestimate yourselfYou don’t know that your beauty and innocence are so refreshing and te"

He tucked a strand of her hair which had come loose out of her bun

His hand touched her cheek and she shivered He then traced his finger from her cheek to her arm and then the palm of her hand She looked in his eyes and was shocked to see them full of desire