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Myra decided to visit Nikhil in his office but when she got ready Nikhil was at the door

"Nikhil can you tellthe whole nught? She has still not woken up and I don’t think she’ll be going to office today?"

" Myra I have coise to Jiya "

" First you tell me what happened " Myra literally screamed at Nikhil

Nikhil narrated the the entire incident froar in the room and then Cynthia and Bindu entry

Myra was sure that Cynthia was somehow involved but until Jiya woke up she could not say anything

" Nikhil don’t you trust my sister ? I don’t think you two should continue if you don’t trust each other ,"

" I aainst thise two but I myself was so shocked that I didn’t say a word"

At that ti her eyes ’l Nikhil what the hell are you doing at my place ? Please leave I am in no mood to talk to you "

"Jiya please "

" No please I will speak to you when I am in a better state of mind"

Nikhil left with a heavy heart