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"Paranorlanced back at Gadara "Like Ghostbusters?"

"The opposite, really," Linda said "We don’t go into an investigation hoping to find so to disprove it We’re skeptics"

"You’re hoping to disprove soer said "She granted perate a few ested that areas of the base are haunted She appreciates our more scientific approach Basically, she wants a second opinion"

"That’s fascinating" In a wholly alarer draped an arm around Linda’s shoulders "Are you a skeptic, Eve?"

She shook her head

Linda grinned "We’ve found a believer"

"I wouldn’t call myself that," Eve said dryly "But there are unusual events and situations--"


"--that are unexplainable"

"Want to coirlfriend

Linda’s returning glance was n expertise could prove useful Plus the contrast between her belief in the supernatural and our skepticisreat television She’ll reinforce Paranors; we’ll debunk it Gently, of course"

"Ms Hollis" Gadara’s voice poured over the three of theer and Linda i an enthralled look to their faces

Eve made the introductions and rehashed the infor

"My brother is a big fan of yours, Mr Gadara," Roger said, shaking the archangel’s hand "He’s a house flipper ants to be like you when he grows up"

Gadara’s s of beauty "Real estate can be wonderfully lucrative"

"That’s what he says Of course, he needs to learn how to budget first So far he’s ed to barely break even"

"Tell him to detach himself from the project It is business No nel looked at Eve, but she already understood that he was talking to her as much as to them

"I’m impressed that you would take ti list for that course ot his birthday last iven to select employees"

"Lucky employees" Linda shly thirtyshow, but commercials and setup eat up ti We’ve never had a celebrity guest before"

"I am hardly a celebrity," Gadara protested, but Eve sensed he enjoyed the thought

"You’re very nearly a household naer countered "As well known as Donald Trus," Linda cajoled "Plus, it’s fun"

Gadara s?"


If Eve hadn’t been looking for his surprise, she els are brilliant actors

Startled by the new voice, Eve’s gaze darted to find the source A deep bark brought her attention to the Great Dane leaping froer seat of the red pickup A pretty redhead exited frohbors, Freddy"

Freddy rolled his eyes, then dipped his large head in a bow to Gadara

"You have a dog," Eve said