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Laurel turned to face hi to concern "Oh no! Are you hurt?"

With Havoc hoer any need to save the Mark blood to feed the hellhound with And with the Marks’ deaths imminent, there was no reet the Alpha with his war paint on--the evidence of his kills dripping from his muzzle and claws

He took in the rooators and two feuards and Montevista were locked outside Callaghan and Dubois were across the street Hank--the only possible fly in the ointuards They all expected the threat to come from without rather than fro as if wounded and was caught by Laurel’s soft, pale arms She was sexy, susceptible to manipulation, and blessed with a ravenous juicy cunt Just the way he liked his woers and in doing so, had spread her Mark scent all over hio, Garza"

Hollis’s voice momentarily took him aback, then a slow sht with them were packed in the Suburban and Hollis’s skill with a sas mediocre, at best He had every confidence he could take her

Deliberately keeping his back to her because he knew nonchalance would rattle a newbie Mark, he said, "Make er off," Laurel snapped "Find your own man"

"You cannot have all the men, Hollis," Seiler intruded

Women They were their oorst enemy

"He’s not a man," Hollis retorted

Laurel tossed her hair over her shoulder "Uh, I think I would know if he wasn’t"

"You should sit this one out, Evangeline," he said, glancing over his shoulder "The Alpha is here now In just a few minutes, this will all be over"

"It’ll be over for you," she corrected

She stood at the mouth of the hallway, her dark eyes hard and wrathful, her fists clenched But her frown gave her away She kneasn’t a Mark, but she didn’t knoho he was or renize hi about?" Laurel demanded "Why do you have blood all over you, Antonio? And why are you squeezing rin "The better to kill you,Laurel tightly to him, he set his hands on either side of her spine and extended his claws, ripping deep into her liver and kidneys She would have screamed if he hadn’t restricted her chest She looked at him with horror-filled blue eyes, her lips lovely as they parted to expel her last breath He inhaled it deep into his lungs like a lover’s kiss

His animal senses picked up the whistle of a blade, and he jerked to the side to narrowly avoid the flaer aimed at his head "You suck," he taunted Hollis

A rapid volley of blazing knives shot toward hi a strea, he took on his wolf forator His teeth perforated the jugular before they hit the hardwood Sweet, syrupy blood gushed down his throat, and he groith open-throated triuuards yelled for entry The cacophony created a unique and provocative requiem It made him want to hoith joy, so he did

Seiler and Hollis continued to fight like hissing cats The second investigator withdrew a pistol from beneath her lab coat and aih fur and flesh, but the ated the silver that would otherwise slow hiun clicked repeatedly with no report Realizing the ator screamed

He vaulted forward and took her down for the kill

In the "ghost hunter" house, the sound of panicked shouting in the neighborhood lured everyone to theThe group stood shoulder-to-shoulder as a unit, exposing their backs as they watched the guards across the street scurry like ants

"Why can’t they get in?" the brunette asked "Look at the on the doors and s"

"I should be there," Callaghan said, tension gripping his powerful frame

"Go," the redhead said "They need you"

He shook his head "I gave my word tae stay here"

"We’re fine," the brunette insisted "We’ll just--Wow!"

"What the hell?" Roger’s tone ed "There are at least a half dozen of the froe ith a white diaroup