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"Welcome, my fellow brethren," Holly’s voice reverberated off the stone walls The crowd silenced and gave their attention to the council member, while I made snide remarks about her in my head Government, in any sense of the word, is a pain in the ass, but forcing ainst my will or be snubbed by my community--that’s ridiculous I hoped the co a war, it was my only chance to escape Holly’s plan for me

"Dark times have fallen upon us, and it’s in these times we must act as one Many speculations have surfaced about our trouble with the vaht, ill end the fear they have bestowed in us and take action against the lost secret, the secret of our blood" Holly’s hands fisted as they rest on the podiuer Her voice was strong and confident like a true leader

"The gift of our ift frorown to crave what is not theirs Vaic which allows the another’s hoic in our blood and twist it into soift for their own selfish deeds"

Gasps and angry h the crowd as they listened to Holly

"We have lost ht A war is upon us, htfully ours, or our kind will grow extinct We iven Tonight, the council asks you stand with us in our war" Holly finished with a prideful smile Cheers and claps echoed in the cavernous space and beat against erly,the celebration to settle "If you agree to fight against the va with the enemy will be treated as such," Holly’s eyes foundher thinly veiled threat My heart beat like a sledgehaive up Aiden, even after I already agreed, against ment, to aid in the war My chest heaved with panicked breathing, and the fame

"Are there any questions?" Holly asked The croas hesitant at first, but a couple hands drifted into the air

"My daughter is a vampire; does that mean I can’t have contact with her because of the war? She hasn’t drunk witches blood--she’s an innocent in this," A ed woman with curly red hair and a kind face asked Witches were chosen by the goddess, not necessarily born, like Fiona was This wohter must not have been chosen and decided to turn into vampire instead

"I understand your predicament, but no vampire is innocent in this war Sooner or later, they will all crave our blood This is a decision you must make, no matter how difficult it may be," Holly answered with a sad smile

I cursed her heartless words The woman wiped a tear away, stood up, and left When she passed enuine smile and nodded; I was iainst the council and for her daughter--if only I could find the sae

"Yes?" Holly said to a man who looked to be around thirty

The man stood up and looked around the crowd, hesitant to say as on his mind "Shouldn’t we only punish those who have partaken of our blood? I know the council is looking out for our best interest, but why should those who haven’t had our blood be punished?" Thehis broith a tre hand

Holly was silent for a h she stood and spoke with confidence, I could tell she orried about the co towards the innocent vampires

"It is easy to look at those who have not drunk fro of the s our blood enables the vampires to do, and more and more vampires are tempted to drink from us Loved ones are no exception, as I told the woht as betrayed by a loved one because the pull of our blood was too strong" Holly held out her hand towards s

"Gwen Sparks was romantically involved with a vaic in our blood She trusted an innocent, as you call them, and in the end he deceived her"

Everyone turned and looked at me, while I stared holes into Holly I should have known the council would find out that Aiden was addicted to brew While he tried to find answers about the case, his friend, Louis, urged hi and fast Aiden was on his way to becoe brew junkie before I discovered what happened Because I felt responsible due to the fact that he wouldn’t have gotten the addiction had he not been trying to help me solve the case, I offered to feed him so he wouldn’t kill a witch for his next fix I was so upset about what happened that I took him to Ms Ozland’s house, and ere able to break his addiction It was painful for me, but worth it Ms Ozland was the only person, besides Aiden and ht--the only person who could have betrayed my trust

"So, hopefully I’ve made it clear how serious our situation is," Holly said, and the crowd turned their attention back to her I couldn’t stand to be in the saht I’d find you here," Fiona said Iand hid in the castle’s library The rooe arched ere fitted with comfy seats, a perfect place to think I had curled up on one and stared out at the moonlit landscape

I looked up at Fiona Her blond hair ept to the side in a ponytail and her blue eyes studied me with concern