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"Kye? What happened? Where is she?" I sat up and looked around It was the saloohostly realh me at the memory of what I’d encountered

"Here, let me help you up," Kye offered an outstretched hand I batted it away and stood onorders, and you needed to see that," Kye hissed

"I needed to be attacked by an insane ghost?" my voice raised an octave with annoyance, so I took a deep breath If the NAWC was trying to

"You needed to see what happens to a spirit walker who doesn’t eh possibility for you, understand? Asto help"

I cringed at the thought of turning into sohost?"

"Oh, she’s not a ghost She’s just trapped in the realan to walk

"But she floated and just appeared in front of round trying keep up with Kye

"She’s still a witch, Gwen Seasoned witches can do all sorts of things with ic and she appeared because she can transport to different areas within the ghostly realm You’ll be able to do it too" Kye’s lack of patience really annoyed ht I should already know everything?

Kye stopped outside of a large e iron door "After you," he held out an arm I eyed the inside of the dark toh alert when it ca in there?" I was unwilling to step inside the dusty darkness

"More training," Kye said with a huff

"Alared at hie concrete tomb sat in the middle of the stone room I batted at cobwebs as I inched my way inside, as far away fro shut ainst the door and tried the handle, but it was locked "Kye!" I screamed The room didn’t have any s, so I was in complete darkness My eyes strained, in vain, to capture even the tiniest bit of light

Little witch, what have you gotten yourself into? Ian’s voice said

I ju hiet used to Shoo fly, don’t bother me

I can feel your panic It woke lish accent was thicker than it was before I pressed against the door again, and when it wouldn’t budge, I slaain

"Calm doen," Kye finally answered from the other side of the door "You won’t be able to concentrate if you’re panicking"

I laughed bitterly, "Maybe you should try explaining things first instead of a you very soon, little witch, Ian said, e

Ian Despereaux was the last person I wanted to see Micah and Aiden both promised they’d kill him and sever our bond, but three weeks later, Ian was nowhere to be found, and ere still connected

"Shut up and leave me alone," I snarled out loud

"What?" Kye asked

"Not you," I gruet me out of here!"

Kye was silent for a fewif the insanity was already starting If I kept hearing Ian’s voice in o insane

"Okay, Gwen, I want you to close your eyes and erase all of the tension in your body Meditate," Kye advised

"Easier said than done," I mumbled Kye didn’t know Ian was in et rid of him The council hadn’t found out I was bonded to a vampire yet Ian Despereaux wasn’t just any vampire either He was the man behind the brew outbreak, the reason our two species were going to war I chewed on my lip as I considered whether I should tell Holly about the bond

"Are you concentrating?" Kye asked I sighed and tucked et out of the dusty dark crypt, I had to focus

"Yes," I closed h h ine yourself outside of the tohed, then cursed because I lost so to create I focused harder and continued led as if weights were attached to ers Soon my mind was a peaceful lake without so much as a ripple Andand focusing I did what Kye instructed and iined myself outside of the toainst the crypt with his arms crossed and eyes closed He didn’t see next to him