Page 10 (1/2)

"Sit down and we’ll open it up" Dorian scooted his way onto my bed I climbed onto the bed and sat Indian style as far away as I could My eyes nervously flicked to ht with a reaper in ht about what Aiden would think if he walked in on us We weren’t doing anything wrong, but sitting on lint in Dorian’s eyes told noring his lingering gaze, I pointed to the box "Well, open it up already"

His fingers slid under the tape and tore it away My curiosity e forward to peer into the container When Dorian flipped the flaps back a tray of vials sat inside Discarding the cardboard, he removed the tray and sat it on the bed My stomach coiled when I realized the vials held blood Hollyblood for h to the valass tubes with a sequence of numbers wrote on the side "What ahto taste the blood

Dorian uncapped a vial and sniffed it My lips curled in disgust "The darkness is strong in this one" He put the cap back in place and set it back into the tray

I watched him dumbfounded "Am I supposed to knohat that means?"

"If you want to please, Holly"

"Doesn’t everyone?" I snorted "You don’t look like the type of person ould care about pleasing a council el of Death would help Holy

"I have ue response wasn’t what I had hoped for His tone said he didn’t want to elaborate, so I ignored theon my lips "You said that vial was filled with darkness, what does that mean?"

"He’s killed a lot of people"

"You can tell just by sniffing it?" I asked skeptically


Dorian held out his hands palm side up in front of him "Holdmy hands out, I placed ainst les erupted Dorian’s eyes closed and his head tipped back I watched as his Adam’s apple bobbed up and doith each s

When his head fell forward, his eyes opened The cloudy abyss raced within the sockets and icy tendrils wrapped around th ofthe hair to stand on end

Soft echoes of moans and screams penetrated my bedroom My eyes searched nervously for the owners of the sad cries "You hear therew deeper and louder the longer I held onto Dorian’s hands A soft breeze grazedme to shrink back

"The spirits of the deathly realhout my hands Dorian’s eyes bore into aze unable to look away Our connected arreithin it The shadow rose up through the bed, its for a human shape

Dorian looked up at the spirit and unlocked fro woman, probably no older than seventeen, wept in front of us Her color ashed out in grayness, but I could tell her hair was black The spirit’s hands covered her face as she sobbed softly, her shoulders rising and falling from her sadness

"Who is she?" My eyes widened as I took in the unhappy girl

"A victim of the vampire Killed before her time and left in an eternal world of depression" Dorian looked up at the girl and said, "You will have your revenge young one"

The spirit reriness overcoe" Her voice was eerie like a haunting breeze that chilled to the bone Dorian nodded his head and a sinister sirl, and she touched it with her own Light swooshed through her body then faded as quickly as it had coht again, all of the shadows had disappeared She looked as solid as a living person