Page 19 (1/2)

"Can you answer the question yet?" Patrick barked at me

"You…hear…them…move," I said between lifts I finishedindifference instead of exhaustion

"Ms Sparks is correct Although vampires can move like the wind, you can still hear theold star for me!

"I want the front row to stay where you are, the rest of the rows take a step back" The obedient people did as he said so they were all spaced a little further apart "Now, close your eyes and listen as I run through the rows"

Everyone’s eyes closed and he disappeared again Now that I was paying attention, I could see the blur that was Patrick as he rushed through each row There wasn’t htest whooshing sound echoed through the cavernous ball rooht next to me "Open your eyes," he told the crowd "What did you hear?" He pointed at a man towards the back

"Wind," the man said

"Very good Raise your hand if you heard it as well" The majority of hands rose while some looked uncertain

"Those of you who did not hear ry va your senses If the enes sink into your throat you’re dead Got it?" Heads nodded with seriousness across the rooot to work to turning an with my back turned while he snuck up on ht

Next, the physical contact began as he attacked froh, he’d push me to the mats and declared me "dead" Patrick insisted we try it over and over until I wonI’d have so ical maneuvers to freeze our attackers in place so we could walk right up to them and shred their hearts or slice off their heads--luckily, Patrick used a prop sword for this lesson It was disconcerting to see how accurate the soldiers ith their weapons Every ti Aiden It made me wonder how uilty va, we finally got an hour break Most of the witches and warlocks headed for the kitchen, but I hadup the stone steps, hts of stairs, ht

I knocked on Miranda’s office door while I let the stone wall support soood on my sweaty face Miranda was a member of the council, but she handled the financial side of things I needed to talk to someone level-headed and not someone who had war on the brain Holly and Patrick wouldn’t listen, and Charles didn’t see this before it started was to find a council member ould listen to reason

"Coy, I opened the door and flopped into one of the office chairs Miranda was very tall and lanky Her short, blonde hair was cut in a bob that frareen eyes looked at me with surprise

"Ms Sparks, what can I do for you?"

"Sorry forwith Patrick" Sweat caked hair stuck toto me

A smile lifted Miranda’s h cookie, huh?"

My eye caught the glea on her left hand and the way she lit up when I , but are you and Patrickaround her finger, the look of happiness was aline Patrickany woman as happy as she looked

"No reason"