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"Not all vampires are bad!" I should have beco I did on their behalf

"Well, I hope that doesn’t come back and bite you in the ass--or throat for thate fronored Dorian’s coht we’d enjoy each other’s coht in the world, at least until I ca


I stepped out of the cab and eyed the red sign that read ‘Thorn’ in black letters with a black thorny vine fra their turn to enter Most were dressed a lot more casual than me The men wore jeans or slacks and either t-shirts or polo’s Some of the women were dressed in skimpy skirts and tops, but most were in jeans and halter tops or tank tops

I walked down the concrete steps, eyes twitching to the left and right, to a red door that had ‘Thorn’ written in calligraphy, across the ht leather pants and a shirt that barely covered her breasts, stood guard Her washboard stomach didn’t hold an ounce of fat and her bored expression never faltered

"ID," she said I knew right away she was a vay projected off of her like a s out my license and handed it to her The woman’s eyes scanned the thin plastic card and then her body tensed up "You a witch?"

Damn When the supernatural revelation happened in the 80’s, the humans required that all of our licenses state our species Witch was in thick black letters right under erous, until now

"I am" I kept my voice calht now or at least wait until I was behind closed doors "I’ his na the dinner bell

She returned my license and with a nod of her head, round as I eyed the red door Shrugging off ers around the handle and stepped inside

The lighting was lohat looked like black lights Silhouettes of bodies broke through the darkness as ainst my body The DJ stood on an upraised platform, his hand raised in the air while his head bobbed to thewas the fact that the air vibrated with energy As I watched the movements of the clubbers, I realized why Thorn was full of vampires Why did Aiden pick a place like this? It was like chuto find Aiden The vampires watched me I knew they could save e

Dancersvaraphed ballet The precision of theirto hip hop

I paused next to the dance floor watching the beauty of the their moves when arms slipped around my waist I didn’t need to see his face to knoas Aiden, his energy sizzled around me like a security blanket

With a quick movement, he spun me around, and I snickered at his outfit Aiden’s normal attire consisted of dress pants of soht he was dressed in jeans and a white tank top that hugged his toned chest and stomach His hair was slicked back, but a few black strands escaped and hung over his eyes

He snaked a hand around le inkiss His tongue teasedripples of excitehout my body

When he ended the kiss, he took my hand and led me onto the dance floor I followed behind hiested crowd Aiden raised a hand to the DJ and the current beat was replaced with Usher’s There Goes My Baby His hand wrapped around lint in his blue eyes Our bodies began to ainst each other as we lost ourselves in the music

We rocked and swayed, hands on each other bodies, pure hunger evident in our eyes Towards the end of the song, Aiden leaned in for another kiss while the surrounding couples gyrated against us Their touches were like an erotic fire driving ed fro within htful caress as I watched the ainst each other