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"And you think it’d be a good idea to give them my blood?" I interrupted

"They won’t hurt you, Gwen Their er I proht for a moment and then voiced what I was really worried about "When Ian an in a quiet voice "He bit me and it was normal at first, you know, pleasurable But it turned very painful"

"The council does not inflict torturous bites on those who gift their blood," Aiden interjected, knohat I was getting at "Those sorts of bites are reserved for punishments, and the only vaet off on causing others pain" Aiden’s fingers caressedsix ancient vareed to Va someone, but to me it was an intimate situation I didn’t want to share with anyone except Aiden Of course, I couldn’t share that with Aiden because my blood would restart his addiction to brew

"Please don’t refer to me as prey," I said with a s by it," Aiden replied "And I’ht ended was ruined by politics I’ll be happy when this entire ht for a moment "Are you and Aaron close? He called you a friend"

Aiden turned the key in the ignition and pulled away fro wheel and silence filled the interior of the car as I waited for hihtened and his eyes were mere slits as he stared ahead

"He’s my sire," Aiden said in a hushed tone My mouth dropped and my brows arched I’d known Aiden for two years and not once did I ask hi his sire was an elder on the council, peaked my curiosity

"You’re sire is an ancient? How did it happen?

"It was 1396 when the council came to Italy I was a street vendor with my father We sold breads my mother made and fruits we farh to support the five of us I hated my life I hatedfroht while I was closing up ift He was dressed in expensive fashion, and I thought the gift would be money, that perhaps he felt sorry for such a poor boy," Aiden snorted in derision and glanced atI followed him back to his palace I still reold leaf chandeliers, extravagant paintings hung on the walls and enough space to house twenty fah, his brothers and sisters also called the palace home His sister, Alana, was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen, and I quickly became infatuated with her The La’rue faht for dinners and dancing I didn’t know at the ti to show me their lifestyle, and what it meant to be a La’rue I trusted them like my own family and even had a tryst with Alana," Aiden shifted, his eyes darting in my direction "I believed she’d betheir company, I was told what they are All six of theift I wish to give you’ Aaron told ht they were deether forever, my dear, Alonzo’ Alana told ht turn, his hand white froh our connection aning, I could al the cab of the car

"Alonzo?" I questioned

"I was born as Alonzo Moretti I have changed it several times over the years, but once the transition from human to vaain I felt I’d disgracedI envied and everything I’d never have if I rereed to be a vae me Men were the only sires back then, so Aaron offered to be my sire

"I’m in love with a man, and I didn’t even know his real naed his identity over the years

"You never asked," Aiden said