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"I don’t need excuses or apologies, I need answers Just last week you were all s you haul my ass out of bed and criticize my activities," I frowned "And as ’are you blind?’ all about?"

"Finish up, you have to practice" He got up and walked to the door I was getting tired of having nored

"Hey!" I yelled and threw one of the cinnamon rolls at his back The roll stuck to his back for a few seconds before it plopped to the floor If I wasn’t so angry, I would have laughed Dorian turned around and gave lare

"No thank you, I ate already," he said sarcastically and turned to leave again

"Stop turning your back onaround the table, I marched up to him I hated that he was so much taller than me, and I had to strain neck just to look at him It was hard to be badass when you have to look up at your opponent

"I am sick and tired of all the hush-hush talk and secrets I’ me knohat the hell it is But ance and orders I am here because I have to be, not to follow you around and follow your every command"

By the time I finished my rant, I was so close to Dorian that a few inches was all that separated us He stared down at me, his lips a thin line and the cloudiness in his eyes swirled like a stor across the sky I could tell a lot about so into their eyes, but Dorian’s were harder than hell to decipher I noticed the fogginess of the gray swirled either quicker or slower, depending on his mood, but to put an emotion to the cloud movements was i about saying so I waited, ready to hear what ever sue so I could throw it right back into hisorders and walking around blind and into whatever trap Holly had set for me

"You’re here to learn your power and help your people Have you forgotten so quickly that it was you who helped your police depart witches? Or do you not care because you’re fucking the eneer in his words slapped me across the face and left me speechless Dorian was always outspoken and even, at tiht out of left field

"And again I ask, why the sudden allegiance to the witches? Wasn’t it you who said you didn’t concern yourself with our trivial proble a few steps backwards, I sagged against the table and took a deep breath

"Things have changed since then," Dorian said

I rolled et a straight answer fro teeth

"Let me do you a favor and relive you of your duties I’ll start training with Kye again, and you can go be a dick to someone else" I shoved off of the table and strode past hi Kye I knew my responsibilities and I did want to learn about my power, but I didn’t need to hear lecture after lecture about dating a va Dorian had turned him into a jackass Well, more of a jackass

"Kye doesn’t have the tie to train you I’m afraid you’re stuck withlike a sullen child, and let’s get to work"

Training nor ground was a cemetery full of creepy Gothic tombstones and mausoleums I had spent so much time there I could point out as buried where and what year they died Not inforraveyard? Is this the only place I can use my power?" Dorian seemed more reserved around me now that we’d had it out He watchedour walk to the cemetery he kept at least three feet fro if I said it didn’t bother me I liked Dorian before our relationship turned aard

"No, but you’re an untrained spirit walker, and it’s easier for you to connect with death when you’re around the dead, hence the cemetery," Dorian answered, his voice al the day instead of night I was beginning toat the four path intersection Dorian rubbed his chin and took in the surroundings "What do you feel?"

I shrugged and tried to sense so just under the surface of the regular breeze It was too icy to be the regular wind I also felt despair, like the ground was soaked with it I had co with the realm of the dead The spirits within it were either trapped or angry--there wasn’t anything happy about their afterlives

"Death," I said coolly It was getting easier and easier to pick up on the depressing signs

"Very good," Dorian praised with a head nod "Now, astral projection isn’t as easy as calling spirits It takes concentration and focus You could pop into the ghostly realm and never find your way out Always knohere the doors are, and never lose sight of rational thought There are things in there that will try to tempt you away from the safe zones, and you’d be lost forever--"