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I headed outside The sky was a es and pinks The sun hovered behind the cloudsa heavy breath, o back to norh to iddy Not to mention whatever his plan was for ht

I walked down the cobblestone road with lish town I’d never been to England, but froht in

Don Moon was a single street with businesses on either side Each building was constructed out of brick or smooth river rock The roofs were thatched and tall chi the sides and flooded the air with the s food--a sled and swayed above the businesses doors I headed towards The Cooking Cauldron, one of four restaurants in the town

When I pushed through the door,the wall in a booth with a tallof frothy beer He sat back, his hand on the beer, and watchedacross fro to a word she said Lowering aze, I headed towards an empty booth by theSince our "fieldtrip" I hadn’t seen him and wasn’t sure how to be around him The tension between us confused and scareda pad and pen

"Um, I’ll have a Corona, and I’ll need a moment to decide on the food," I told her with a sood ht, and that’s what I was going to do

"No problem," the waitress walked away

As I scanned the menu, I could feel Dorian’s eyes on my back It was just o I yearned for the day I could return to Flora and not have to worry about himental looks

"So, have you decided?" The waitressed asked as she setattention to the ht etables," I told her

When she walked away, I leaned back, took a sip of my beer and stared out theIt’d been a while since I could relax and get lost innonstop since I arrived in Moon My otten here Shehow tome Fiona and Iin each other which satisfied our needs for friendship Noere twenty-six, and I wasn’t sure if ere friends sienuine Fiona was there in my times of need, but she’d also abandoned other tie Maybe Fiona and I were growing apart, and we just didn’t want to acknowledge it We were so different I wondered hoe became friends in the first place Ordifferent paths away fro on by a thread, and that was a sad thought

I letof him always made me smile If life would allow me to, I’d stay wrapped in his arms and feel safe forever If I was a live wire, then he hat grounded uidedhts


"Hi, Gwen," Penny said We hadn’t spoken since the night I witnessed the car accident and saw Dorian for the first time

"Hi, Penny I’m sorry I haven’t called you back How is the shop?"

"It’s fine, business has been steady I just wanted to let you knohatidea was," she said, her voice nervous