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When I openedet to you, my Gwen," Aiden whispered into my ear

"Easier said than done," I mumbled

"Okay, so the plan is for you, Gwen, to contact Ian and try to set up aIt’ll have to be somewhere that won’t make him suspicious," Aaron started

"I don’t kno to contact him He penetrates e first," I told them "Plus, he can manipulate my drea a spell to protect me, but it only lasted a couple days before he found a way around it He’s very proficient inI needed was for Ian to catch onto our plan and try to kill h my dreams

"Fiona and Ethan knew about your bond with Ian?" Holly questioned, her tone angry and bewildered "Am I the only one who didn’t know?" I didn’t answer her I decided the question wasPlus, I didn’t want to be referred to as an iet into another arguing match I wanted to set up a plan as h I was the bait for the lunatic va to capture

"The bond works both ways, Gwen Just because you haven’t tried doesn’t mean you can’t All you have to do is focus on Ian and think soht will find hihts fro to hihts? Did he spend his ti linked to someone like hiht about Bridget, the girl he’d murdered who’d haunted me until I found out the truth I also reme she hen Ian or his goons killed her The word Ian was a foul and dirty word in liness I didn’t care what hisI cared about was killing hi the world of a heartless o back to nor the bait didn’t seeh his heart and have a first row seat to his de hatever they cooked up, and when Ian met me, I would be prepared to kill him whether the VC wanted me to or not It was the only way I could be sure our bond was broken for good without having to gift my blood to the VC The more I learned about the vampire council, the more I didn’t want their mouths on my body

"What about Flora?" Aiden asked

I tucked my secret plan into the back of my mind and focused on the conversation

"Gwen could return to Flora and ask Ian towith the NAWC is done, and the war ended before it started Gwen can use the ruse that she wants totheir bond Ian will never suspect the VC will be there waiting for hiuard"

Just at the h tothis in front of Gwen?" Patrick questioned "If she knows the plan, can’t Ian just pluck it froood question Now that I knew just how connected ere, I wasn’t sure of how ht Ian could project thoughts at ic he learned, but Aaron made it sound like we shared a mind, and all either one of us had to door was open the door Not very co If they wanted me to leave, I would I wanted their plan to work out more than anyone because if it didn’t, thenas she doesn’t focus on the details all the time, we should be safe A bond doesn’t necessarily mean the pair can read each other’s minds But Ian can pick up on Gwen’s moods should she act nervous or suspicious around hiuys coree on, I need so out of the room, I made my way out of the castle The rain had slowed and was now just a light drizzle The coolness of the breeze and rain felt a a deep breath, I filledas the councils debated Being outside was a lot ic recede as I calmed down

I sat on the stone steps in front of the castle and thought about everything I learned a lot about myself, and my abilities in a short period of ti person who’d stepped into my life I still had plans to find out ht about Fiona and how our friendship was veering down different roads I thought about Aura, and how I’d never feel that safety in our connection again I wondered where she was and if she was happy I thought about Aiden and hoe could be riding in a gondola right now if I would have just run aith him Of course that decision would have just opened up new problems, none of which would have solved ht about Ian What was his deal? Is he just your average everyday bad guy or was there a method to his madness? I snorted Yeah, he’s a psychopath They always have a well thought out plan My sarcas about Ian I wasn’t catching onto He’d said things that triggeredI couldn’t re the lines of "you’ll be more than she ever was" What the hell did that mean, and as she? He , but was that because I was a commodity he didn’t want to lose, or was it because sos for me? If that was the case, which I severely doubted, ould he have feelings for s were less than cordial

The soft click of the door shutting made me look over my shoulder Aiden stepped down the stairs and sat beside me His arm wrapped around irl just needed a hug Wrapping his other arether, and we sat in silence for a few moments

"What do you know about Ian?" I keptyou hten me on who he is"

"You knoho he is He’s a murderous prick who kills anyone who stands in his way"

That was a given, but I couldn’t shake the feeling there was soe How had Ian deciphered the secret of our blood?

"What’s all this about, er underjust doesn’t add up I think he has a plan forhe’s tried before" I paused "I know that sounds bizarre and cryptic, but that’s what I’ve gathered froainst mine "What has he said?"