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I didn’t kno to do a lot, but what I did know, I planned to use to ry spirits was at my beck and call Mynearby When I opened ray bodies forures in total, with their dark gazes pinned to er at Holly and Ian The spirits didn’t waste ti towards theround by invisible attackers they couldn’t fend off

Walking closer to Ian, I bent on one knee next to hi is over You lose" I conjured a stake made out of silver and smiled when his sarcastic facial expression turned to fear Kye was able to hear me when I was out of my body, I was sure Ian could too

"Gwen, don’t do it I’ to help you" Ian’s eyes searched to find round, but the spirits did their job and held hi me into a hybrid? How does that help ht he could talk his way out of dying, but there would be no reprieve for him I had the stake poised an inch above his chest and was just trying to squeeze a littlein the wind

"You’ll be more powerful than your council and mine You won’t have to answer to anyone Your life will be yours to live without the restrictions Killing the La’rues is the only payment I ask for" His tone said I was a fool if I didn’t accept, but power never interested me If he had said I could live in peace and quiet for the rest of my life, I may have taken a et it through their thick skulls that I don’t want power? I don’t want to be coveted or used as a weapon I just want to be left alone!"

My hand tightened around the stake untiluseful I puh his chest, when a white light exploded in front ofbackwards

Ian regained his footing and took off in a blur Without thinking, I took off after hih the bond He was nervous and angry, the feelings washed throughthe direction the eht of him as he fled down a sidewalk Before I could catch up, he turned and I lost hi Hell maybe I was I didn’t know all the tricks that ca to follow Ian’s e to catch my breath

Give it up, little witch you can’t kill me Ian’s voice popped into h to falter ? I taunted and added a chuckle for good er than Ian’s death count was his ego I waited for his response, but only hts played in my rip on the silver stake Ian couldn’t aic he used to break free of the ghosts worked on ic would killbarked in the distance, the same area I felt a pull to Ian "Gotcha!" I said to myself and took off in the direction

My feet halted when I cas The scent of urine and garbage harassedthe brick wall, and a fire escape crawled up the exterior of the building Looking up, I searched the shadows for any sign of Ian Nothing Closingof aht before I was shoved from behind

I whirled around Ian stood stock still with his arms at his sides, head down and eyes closed "Your little disappearing act has a flaw, little witch," Ian said

"Oh yeah? What’s that?" I took a couple steps backwards, ready for whatever Ian planned to throw at me

"I may not be able to see you, but I can sense you"

I chidedso stupid Of course if I could sense hi about buryingsafety precautions

"Can’t you see holess my plan is?" Ian lifted his head and looked in aze His eyes didn’t follow theso unique? Others orship you, little witch"

I thought for a moment "Hoould I be any different than you? You’re a vaic Why do you need to create a hybrid?"

Ian tilted his head His eyes trailed in ain If he was going to blast et

"I need to refill ic TheBut with you, you have ic and spirit walker in you, a deadly combination I’m a fraud; you’d be the real deal"

With soft steps I inched closer to where Ian stoodsure I kept rip on the stake and took a couple seconds to enjoy the ht As I raised nawed at my heart "Not interested," I said as I threw ed the stake into Ian’s chest A sadistic sleah his eyes I shoved the stake deeper hoping I hadn’t missed his heart

Ian fell to his knees, dropped his head and stared at the stake protruding from his chest Flakes of skin broke away from his body and drifted away in the breeze I’d never seen a vampire die It was eerie and fantastic I actually killed Ian Despereaux I wanted to juh Ian’s skin as pieces of flesh continued to break off and disappear He stared straight ahead erated