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With one hand clutching the forgotten cuff links and one hand firmly over her still-flat stoe to make an appearance

She was an O’Shea, damn it She didn’t back down in the face of fear Fear was nothing but a lie A bold-faced lie capable of defeating most people Laney wasn’t most people

She’d come this far, all she had to do was knockandconfession to a h to notice boys Forget the fact he’d been ten years older Age meant about as much to her as fear did

Tears clogged her throat as emotions threatened to overwhelm her Whatever his reaction, she owed him the truth But if he rejected her, the pain would slice deep

Laney pushed aside the hurt, the fear and the nausea, and pounded on Ryker Barrett’s front door

No turning back now

Ryker had been part of her life since she was a child He’d worked for her father, was best friends with her brothers Her family had taken him in when his own had turned hi

And for the past five weeks he’d been pretending nothing had happened He gave no hint that he even recalled tearing her Chanel dress froainst her hotel roo her every desire to life

Nope It was business as usual When she’d had to feed him inforiven any indication that their one heated night had made an impact on his life whatsoever Was he that emotionally detached?

Well, he was about to sustain one hell of an inore her, but there was no way he could ignore the consequences of their night

The door swung open and the entire speech she’d rehearsed allonly a pair of running shorts, a tatted chest and glorious muscle tone

She’d never seen hiner suits, the man who donned a leather jacket and worn jeans to blend in when necessary, had never presented himself in such a beautiful, natural manner He should do this more often