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Her blood fired from the inside out at the sound of that voice-sex and ice, pain and pleasure "Dns of Uraet D"

"Thanks" She ended the call Much longer and that voice of his would creep into her soul and take up residence Instead, she cleared her head, centered herself, and began scanning again

D at a phenomenal rate Unless he could run very fast, he'd had access to a vehicle She didn't particularly care All that mattered was that she'd lost-No, there it was She turned left,

She was five blocks over when soht sky was turning a dull gray, heavy with clouds But she caught a flash of blue, one that disappeared in the next instant Illiu it off, she came to a standstill in the h she could see a grocer's tucked discreetly between two aparthter than in the crush of shops she'd left behind, but steady She attracted a few nervous stares and it was then that she realized she had one of her long, thin throwing knives in hand

"Ma'am" A shaky voice

She didn't turn "Officer, I'm on a hunt My Guild card is in the left back pocket" Hunters had carry permits for all sorts of weapons And she never went anywhere without the to reach for it Okay?" Acid on the wind Thick, dark blood Da to soh about hunters to be out on the streets What the hell were they teaching them in the Police Academy these days?

A cry from the woman in front of her and then a flash of blue swept down the street Elena glanced at the cop, saw hi up dumbfounded, and ran She kneouldn't coelstruck Approximately five percent of the population was born susceptible to the phenomenon She'd heard they'd discovered medication to combat the effect, but that el, I see perfection," one ic, real life ceases to exist and heaven is in ive that up?"

For a selstruck She'd lost her innocence, her belief in a heavenly caretaker, eighteen long years ago Then the caelstruck and she'd co up Pure adoration, worshipful and blind A devotion that turned angels into gods

No, thanks

Ten minutes later, the scent was an ache in her throat, a layer of fur on her tongue She looked around and found herself in one of the moneyed areas of the city, somewhere east of Central Park Very, very ant size of the buildings No huge apartment complexes here Ait to Raphael to ss over if anyone spotted her, she cliate to land in front of a freestanding town house Seeing a very narrow pathway to the right-hand side, she walked down and around to the back

"A private park" A like this existed in Manhattan The rectangular patch of lush green was bordered on every side by si, she touched the wall nearest her and felt no sense of age or tiht up an undoubtedly pricey piece of land, created an English-type garden coels had money to burn

And the scent, it was so powerful herebut not fresh "He was here, but he's gone"

"Are you sure?"

She ju behind her "Where the hell-glamour?"

He didn't answer her question "Where was he?"