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One year ago

Boston, Massachusetts

The rain lashed our patrol car as we sipped our coffees, waiting for a crackle on the radio

I was enjoying the peaceful lull created by the sounds of raindrops on ray beyond ht my attention

On the sidewalk, a wo a black u on the end of it Froht red raincoat And he’d sat his ass down on the sidewalk as if to say, “I’m done with this shit Make it stop”

I laughed under esticulated wildly, as if to reply, “What the hell do you want me to do about it?”

Her ar back up at her, became a snapshot in my head I wished I had my camera I’d use a wide aperture and round and focus on the wo

“Jaz thinks you should dump Mark” My partner, Autry Davis, yankedin my head

Snored the uneasiness that accompanied it “Oh, Jaz thinks that?”

Jasmine “Jaz” Davis was pretty outspoken, but Autry had made it clear he didn’t like my boyfriend Mark from the moment he’d met him

“Sure does” Autry stared out theat the passing traffic We were parked on Maverick Square in East Boston, near a bakery we both liked They did good coffees And Boston crea to live up to the cop cliché We allowed ourselves a Boston cream once a week It was our treat “She thinks he thinks what he does is more important than what you do and that he never prioritizes you”

That did sound like so Jaz would say

Mark was a prosecutor and very good at his job His success was appealing because I found hardworking guys sexy But lately he’d been pushing ht I should work eant detective and then move up to lieutenant