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"I couldn't have had Castle,I've been very happy, really, and very busy"

"You have been very vague lately about your work"

Lily faced herrandfather crazy"

"I thought you were in a canteen"

"Not lately I've been looking after girls who had followed soldiers to ca to have babies, too It was rather awful We married quite a lot of them, however"

The curious reserve that so often exists between hter held Grace Cardew duhtly hardened So this ar had done to her She had had no son, and had thanked God for it during the war, although old Anthony had hated her all her hter, her clear-eyed daughter, and they had shown her the dregs of life

Her thoughts went back over the years To Lily as a child, with Made of beauty Love, e and birth were divine accidents Death was a quiet sleep, with heaven just beyond, a sleep which cae, which had wearied and would rest Then she remembered the day when Elinor Cardew, poor unhappy Elinor, had fled back to Anthony's roof to have a baby, and after a few rapturous weeks for Lily the baby had died

"But the baby isn't old," Lily had persisted, standing in front of her inative woman, but she turned it rather neatly, as she told Howard later

"It was such a nice baby," she said, feeling for an idea "I think probably God was lonely without it, and sent an angel for it again"

"But it is still upstairs," Lily had insisted She had had a curious instinct for truth, even then But there Grace's iination had failed her, and she sent for Madeood Catholic, and very clear in her own mind, but what she left in Lily's brain was a confused conviction that every person o persons, a body and a soul Death was simply a split-up, then One part of you, the part that bathed everyschool in a white frock and thin black silk stockings and carriage boots over puain at the Resurrection But the other part was all the ti