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‘My brother Sebastian, and Sir Rupert and Lord Gideon also, are most disappointed that you are indisposed,’ Arabella rehts

But only some of them, Grace hoped; it would be too awful if Arabella were aware of Grace’s present aversion to being anywhere near Lucian—the brother she so obviously adored!

‘Lucian is pacing the drawing rooitation at your absence,’ Arabella added speculatively

Grace avoided that searching gaze ‘I a’

Arabella gave a tinkling laugh ‘I assure you that he is’ She sat down on the end of the chaise, forcing Grace to sweep her robe aside, and at the sa the book Grace had so recently hidden there ‘Why, Grace!’ Arabella bent down to retrieve the book ‘I do believe you were just avoiding your visitors, after all…’

‘Not at all’ This young lady saw altogether too ly as she took the book and impatiently disposed of it on the table beside her ‘It is only that it beco to occupy me’

Arabella’s eyes glowed a teasing brown ‘But the alternative was equally unpalatable, I am sure!’

‘I really have no idea what you mean, Lady Arabella—’

‘Arabella We are to be sisters, after all’ Arabella’s glowing s Lucian too, if I were the cause of his present scowling countenance’

Ah, so Lucian was still scowling, was he? It was just as well, then, that Grace had decided to stay in her room for the rest of the day

‘Although,’ Arabella added frowningly, ‘Iany emotion’

Grace gave her a searching glance ‘What do youbut emotion since the two of theuardians having given way to irritation, desire and anger—h Arabella’s comment did seem to confirm Grace’s suspicions that Lucian’s isolation from his family since he had left the army had been deliberate…

‘I—Ah, another visitor!’ Arabella announced excitedly, as a carriage could be heard drawing up outside the Carlynes’ townhouse ‘You do not suppose that it is yet another one of your adrind his teeth so jealously?’ she proly, and the tomen stared unashaer to alight froe

Grace gave an exasperated shake of her head ‘I do not believe you understand my relationship with your brother at all Our betrothal is—was brought about by events I really cannot discuss with you or anyone else—’

‘You are referring to the gossip, are you not?’ The laughter had faded from Arabella’s countenance ‘I heard so at the Countess of Morefield’s,’ she explained sympathetically ‘But as I have been quick to point out, Lucian has shown these last two years that he does not give that—’ she gave a snap of her fingers ‘—for the dictates of Society’

‘Not for his own sake, perhaps,’ Grace acknowledged uncoain hot with embarrassossip about them Who hadn’t? ‘But for the sake of his friendship with e that would be done to my own reputation if—well, if he did not make an offer for me’

‘Hah! Lucian would—Why, I do believe that is Lord Darius Wynter…’ Arabella stared down into the street, where a gentlee

Grace also recognised Lord Darius, the middle Wynter brother, as he stepped down onto the paveolden hair and his superciliously handsoroo up at the house with eyes the same cobalt-blue as Grace’s robe

Arabella ht to see him in town this Season…’