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Lucian remembered the way he and Simon had played, and occasionally Darius too, if he happened to be ho off into these woods in order to escape from Francis’s coames Justifiable co little brat of a boy

Lucian found hi as an adult, and his interruption just noas no o!

Timely, but still unwelcome

Grace looked less than cohtly hunted look in her eyes as she shot hilance

‘I re you in the lake a few tier man tersely

Francis frowned his consternation for several seconds before his brow cleared ‘I aently

‘And I thought it was our way of getting rid of you,’ Lucian drawled hardly, not particularly liking or approving of the way Francis was now standing within touching distance of Grace

‘I probably was a bit of a pest’ Francis nodded, his expression inscrutable as his gaze ether…?’ he prohtly, and he reached out to lift Grace’s hand and tuck it into the crook of his arm

Lucian’s eyes beca slits as he observed the faised to theht have said to his friends in London, which e, and as such caused theotten the incident Or that he noelcomed Francis’s attentions to Grace

‘Grace and I were about to return to the house’ Lucian looked coldly at the younger man ‘You are welcome to join us there if you so wish…?’

It was the first Grace had heard of their intention to return to Winton Hall But perhaps in the circuht be better if they did so She certainly had no interest in continuing their ith Francis present, and continuing in the way they had been was also out of the question…

Goodness kneould have happened if Francis had not co and interrupted them!

‘I a to act as Grace’s escort if you wish to return tothe house, St Claire’ Francis looked at her enquiringly

‘I really should go back, too’ Grace freed her hand from the crook of Francis’s ar sos today, and she may have need of me’

‘Of course’ Francis gave an understanding nod of his head ‘It really is shabby of Darius to move her into the Dower House with such unseely

Grace looked stricken ‘Oh, I do not think that Lord Darius—the Duke—’ she corrected herself flusteredly ‘—I do not think he has encouraged my aunt in the move’

‘Your loyalty does you credit, Grace,’ Francis approved with a return of his usual pomposity ‘Nevertheless, I fear Darius alone is responsible forof an intruder in the house she has called home for thirty years or more’

‘And your disloyalty on the subject does you no credit whatsoever, Francis,’ Lucian rasped harshly, his expression one of conteer man ‘I have heard with my own ears Darius’s efforts to persuade the Duchess into delaying her move to the Dower House for several more weeks at least’

‘Well, of course you have,’ Francis acknowledged condescendingly ‘There has already been enough gossip concerning Darius in recentunchivalrously to our sister-in-law in the presence of the brother of the powerful Duke of Stourbridge What takes place in private is a different matter, however…’ he added sadly

Lucian’s hands clenched into fists at his sides as he resisted the ier ossip or not— had not ArabellaDarius’s recent good fortune? Lucian could not stand silently by and listen to Francis as he ned his own brother!