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When ere boys, Jacob would take et a snow cone from the ice creauing that ar

A small smile creeps onto my lips before I force it away

I don’t deserve happy memories

It’s surprisingly crowded People laugh, chatter, and haggle, a cacophony of lively voices filling the space Soruetables—while others I don’t

I stroll down the narrow aisles, peeking at knickknacks here and there There’s colorful hande, hand-carved wood bowls etables, fruits, jams, and juices—the usual shit you’d find at a far than anything else, in wasting some time

There’s very little here that interests me

That’s when I spot her out of the corner of my eye

Eve’s got a puffy winter coat on that’s a size too big and co black hair is down, locks curling gently over her shoulders Her pink knitted ed scarf, which leads me to assume that they were all handmade for her She’s in a pair of dark blue skinny jeans that accentuate her toned ass and wonderfully long legs

She’s so fucking beautiful I seriously don’t get it How is it possible for someone like her to exist? I’m almost thankful she’s hidden away in Haven If Eve ever went to a bigger city, she’d probably be snapped up in an instant by a guy who doesn’t deserve her

I approach slowly, observing Eve interacting with those around her

She looks at everything with a refreshing amazement She smiles at everyone she talks to


Clinging to her arht explain why she holds Eve so close, likely for warhout, dry strands pulled back into a little bun The woman stands a few inches shorter than Eve, her shoulders a bit hunched from years of improper posture

If I have to venture a guess, I’d say she’s around Mother’s age Her face is weary, though, which makes her appear much older There are dark circles beneath her eyes and fine wrinkles all over her face Despite the obvious exhaustion that plagues her, there’s a kindness to the wo and warm

Miranda Lee

I recognize her fondly She used to work as one of the housekeepers in our home If not for her, I never would have met Eve in the first place