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Chapter Twelve

She pushed against hihtened, he took her with him so she sat on the counter's surface and he stood between her spread thighs Gripping her hips to slide her forward, he effectively kept theainst the dense spot inside that female vampires and humans shared as a pleasure spot When she arched in response, he took advantage of that, taking a fir in the cleft beneath her robe

"Enough, " she said softly She didn't shove him away, she wouldn't be that cruel, but she wanted to be certain he understood Nohis Mistress Jacob ers froood job All sorts of dark feelings of pleasure ran through her at the tollen marks there "Your hands by your sides "

Sloith great visible reluctance, he withdrew his touch, resting his hands alongside his thighs When he started to pull up his jeans, she shook her head Reaching down between her still spread thighs, she gripped him, caressed his wet testicles and brushed the hot sticky skin between their heavy weight and the ive it, my next mark will be here I'll command you to spread yourself, hold yourself open to me Without restraints, you'll have to reh and not other te areas But now it's almost dawn I want you close Get dressed and follow me "

She set the house alarms before she took him back to her room He watched carefully The majordomo duties of a servant were extensive, particularly for a vaion like hers From his close attention, she was reassured that Thomas had prepared him adequately for that, at least

When she led hih the house and stepped back over the threshold of her bedroo hiuest bedroom The nested inti scent of what had been done here earlier, distracted her As did the manacles still on the bed, tossed there when he'd freed himself

She spoke the chant of opening and the wood floor shi and evolving into the shape of a flight of stairs disappearing into the darkness of a lower chamber

Jacob studied it, his brows raised "I don't re of vampire powers "

"There's much you don't know You'll join me below When I rise, we'll speak about your interim duties "

"You intend to test ain "

"Yes " She glanced at hireat deal, but I must be fully convinced Perhaps you'll flaunt this test as you did my last one Or perhaps you'll suffer it despite your tricks Spend the ti about who I aht, you'll decide you want your freedom and that will be the end of it "

"Or not, and it will be the beginning of so else Perhaps you'll learn to trust me, my lady Not every man who desires your soul for his oants it for the power, or to delight in your pain There are so called your champion Your protector "

Her heart tightened into a defensive fist, his words digging into the tender area like nails

"My protector " Touching a hand to her brow absently, she smoothed her own skin, the tendrils of her hair he'd loosened brushing her knuckles The sun was rising Weariness closed around her like a trap At one time she could stay up well past sunrise in the quiet darkness of this upper bedrooal gap in the curtains Sitting a foot away fro the threads of the rug glitter, she'd read Or think Or simply be

Even as she relearned how to breathe air that did not contain either the threat or the proentle touch on her neck when she dozed Lonely versus alone Rex represented both emotions When she was tired, it could tear her apart anew to remember

I always had the power, Thomas You didn't understand that until the end, did you? I ripped out his heart as easily as I'd crush a peach in e of , used too late That's why I th is not what it once was

"Follow me or not It's your choice " She started down the stairs "If it were o home " He followed

The bedrooe of the one above She wanted to feel she was in her rooardless of which one she used This one had ht need or decide to re area and a library were here There was also an eye-catching centerpiece A St Andrew's cross carved of teakwood, the grain shs or the velvet shaft of a man's erect cock

She ran her hand down one of the ares ell oiled, so it lowered sht to a horizontal position

"Take off all your clothes There's a bathroom over there You'll be restrained on this until I wake, about ten hours froe you to make use of it "

She didn't look toward hi off him

"Jacob " One quiet word, but she infused it with everything Not only co ahat he said he wanted Perhaps she could have injected a hint of reassurance, but in this room particularly she rely

"My patience is thin as the skin covering all your pleasing muscles and just as easily stripped away I don't want to hear a word froht now The stairs are there If you walk up them, the door will open and Bran will rounds You won't be issued an invitation to return "

Moving to the aran to slide off her own clothes as she heard hio into the bathroom and close the door Probably to stare at himself in the superfluous mirror and question whether he'd lost his mind

At least you have a physical reflection, she thought The

He was losing his mind Jacob yanked off his clothes, folded them on top of the co felt off about this whole scenario, as if there were huge pieces of the puzzle iven a portion of to read before rehearsal Access to this chamber, for example No vampire he'd ever heard of had telekinetic attributes, let alone the ability to transfigure floor and carpet into a stairwell It wasn't illusion He'd walked over that exact portion of floor earlier and felt and seen nothing to indicate a chamber below the surface

She was determined to force him to submit to her on a lot of levels, and sexually was the least of them He wasn't stupid As she herself had iateway to the deeper layers of hiive hi back out there, but she hadn't offered that bone She washim follow on faith His head had never been so s he knew about vaut clutch

Do you realize, mortal, I could rip you limb from limb

With a curse, he turned away froe in the mirror and opened the door Fuck it Gideon always said he was fatally iht