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"You've picked up on the advantages of this form of communication far more quickly than Thomas "

"Well, my mind is far less pure "

She tugged his hair so his head obligingly dipped "Thohts "

"You enjoyed teasing him "

"At tiy in her tone In fact, Jacob noted there was laughter there, one of the first times he'd heard her speak of the man without sadness He'd apparently found a edy which had taken him from her As much as his body wanted to push them forward on the roller coaster he'd just initiated, he forced hiet an answer to the question that had been plaguing hiht be in a mood to answer

"When Thomas became my servant, I did require him to lie with me at least once, " she confessed what he asked in his mind "I required proof of his loyalty, that his devotion to me would supersede his oath to God "

"You tread in dangerous waters, her power "

She nodded "There are those who believe the folk tales, that we're already damned But I'm not one of the or rabs as any But ods I personally believe Divinity could care less if we indulge in carnal knowledge of one another "

In fact, there was a spiritual power to it so overwhelions that used it as a form of worship made rity, hisand the choices they compel him to make, that's his connection to God While I have no proble that connection for my own purposes, I respect it for the th is true That's why I only asked for it once " Soaze "I do ad and provocative iht moment to distract him from a task " She sobered "But with Tho to shaht about it "

She considered the copper strands of his hair tangled with her fingers, the beauty of Jacob's eyes Those firm, sensual lips

"One thing I do understand is the power of devotion and loyalty While I ive up sex, since that was so Thomas did to prove his loyalty to Him or Her, it demanded my respect Any deity, or queen for that matter, " she allowed herself a snificant natural desire to prove his love and dedication to her service I ht ask someone to choose between their conscience and abond, the choice remains in the realh, I can't take the choice away unless I use a level of duress that damns my own soul, not theirs I'm not like some of my brethren "

At last, she gave hi, and her eyes were intent on his, underscoring she understood the significance of her answer "If I ask you to ent need for it Not because I just enjoy taunting you and breaking your soul into pieces, bit by bit I swear it "

Jacob nodded, his hand finding her other one and holding it, his fingers closing around hers "Then I will trust you, ree Did he please you?"

She cocked her head, entle, thorough lover who ret my decision to demand it of him only once "

"Really "

She laughed at him then She knew it couldn't be cos she'd had with Jacob They encompassed a whole spectrus, Jacob had been gentle, thorough Also passionate, deetting or leaving her heart and ether He was powerful in the arts of charm and seduction for that reason, all the more so because he used theht to ht an adventurous innocence to it she also appreciated, learning all the dark paths a body could take for sexual pleasure He elicited unexpected responses from her, like nohen she heard the faint territorial note enter his voice He didn't like talking about other men that had been with her, even one like Thomas

"What about you, Jacob? You are too at ease around a woman's body for me to think you don't remember fondly one or twoDozen "

He chuckled In one of those unexpected hts, he lifted her as easily as he would a child, shifting her and guiding her legs so she sat astride his curved and overlapped behind his hips, between his body and the couch He snugged her up to hie, capable palms on her hips and backside She drew in a little breath when he accurately put the pressure of his cock against her clit, his fingers holding her buttocks, kneading "You've driven them all out of my mind, my lady And before you try to ht as she dove in, trying to do just that, before he put his hand on the back of her neck and brought his mouth to hers to delve into her in a sense that was far more physical It did, however, acco else from her mind for the moment

Brash, impulsiveTara's words came back to her, and all Lyssa could think was, "Thank God " He knew her power, but it still didn't stop him fro So, to worry about his place and her place

Putting his hands on either side of her face, he held her as he kissed her, caressing her neck,in between them, she found his jeans and opened them, his lower body

lifting to allow her to hs She uided theathered her skirt, bringing her bare skin in contact with his hard stomach, the thrust of his cock, the feel of crumpled denim next to her calves He murmured a sound of appreciation as he only found her beneath the cloth His hands were sure as he took her down on hi her steady He slid deep into her with the torturously pleasurable ease of watching a sunsetout, the beauty of it taking over and surrounding all the senses