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The Beginning of the End

April 2012

The pro low over the East Texas college Bianca scurried along the cracked sidewalk, her petite fra around the other students As usual, no one took note of the girl with the pale hair and vivid blue eyes dressed in a flowered dress, old fashioned blue shawl covered in fluffy sunflowers, and heavy combat boots

Ducking under the portico of one of the buildings, Bianca clutched her books tight to her chest and stared in anticipation out over the courtyard

“Here it comes,” she breathed

Seconds later, the sky opened, sheets of rain washing over the people still on their way to class Laughter and cries of dismay filled the humid air as people scrambled for cover Bianca stepped behind one of the pillars to avoid the s The reek of ozone, weed, body odor, and coffee floated in the air after the college kids disappeared inside

The steas with a dreamy brush, but Bianca felt apart from the world The rain was of no real concern to her Instead, her eyes traced over the pathway the girl with tattoos always traveled on her way to class at this time

Ever since she had accidently bu woman on the way to a lecture, Bianca had been obsessed with the beauty with the long black hair, inked skin, and vivid blue-gray eyes Bianca had experienced an intense surge of pohen their bodies had collided that had been so powerful it had knocked her off her feet Instinctively, she’d known that the other woifted - or was it cursed? - with the same power Bianca had inherited for her own mother, the famous medium Josephine Leduc She’d been so startled she hadn’t uttered a word as the other wo on to class

It had taken a little sleuthing, but Bianca had uncovered as much information as possible on the other medium Her name was Amaliya Vezorak, which sounded very exotic to Bianca At first, Bianca had only wanted to speak to the other htun

Brushing her blond hair fro what she wanted to say to Aht through the storh her visions and dreaer Recurring ies of Amaliya covered in blood, somewhere beneath the earth, haunted Bianca Since Amaliya was aThere was a dark entity closing in on A to ensnare her, and Bianca hoped she could save her